Thoughts on leaving mechanical offset compensation alone

Bear with my on this. I am wondering if anyone here has considered something I may try at the end of this month. I use my M4 for CQB. Lets define that as < 100 meters, but quite often its 15-30 feet. Using either an Aimpoint Pro or a T2 on the M4, what if I set the glass to remain in a perfectly parallel plane with the bore? At 100 meters or less my MK262 mod1 is about as flat as can be. So for CQB my 2 inch mechanical offset would remain perfectly constant at any distance up to 100 meters. I am wanting to employ tactical markmanship training and not perfect paper punching. Therefore anytime I pick up my rifle with the optic always on I simply place the dot on my ā€œbad guyā€ and having that dot 2 inches high would render an exact hit. If I am off by 1/2 inch or so it wonā€™t matter for a tactical operation. With a 2-5 inch wound cavity we are talking effective as can be.

I am trying to eliminate mental adjustments for the quick needs of CQB, and I perceive such a method might be nice. When I have the time, such as the infamous ā€œhead shotā€ during a hostage situation, you simply slow down just a little bit and place the dot 2 inches above the sweet spot you want. What do others think of this? I am open to all comments and this is a place where we come to share ideas and try to help each other train!!

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I have no experience in CQB. Sounds like you might want to look into training options in your area with a properly vetted instructor. With that being said, I used to target shoot with my rifles many years ago (just plinking at 100 yards). Iā€™m assuming you know about near-zero and far-zero?

Sounds like you are asking if your near-zero should be 2" low at letā€™s say 3 yards? I donā€™t even know if itā€™s possible to reliabily verify that setting without long range testing. Additionally, wouldnā€™t the bullet keep dropping the further you go out (less accuracy)? If you sight in at 100 yards (near-zero), I think the bullet would continually get closer to the POA until it hits the 100 yard target. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a popular setting though, as it reduces the longer range potential of the 5.56. However, it might also reduce inaccuracy from not holding the rifle 100% perpendicular to the ground.

When I used to do more targeting shooting with the rifle (many years ago), I zeroed my scope at 50 yards with a 7.62x39ā€¦ allthough Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s ideal, itā€™s just what I did. You can calculate your near and far zero using online trajectory calculators for your specific ammo/rifle choice to get an idea before heading to the range and setting it.


We do use this in 3gun, and no, it is not perfectly flat. It is within a margin of error, as you are thinking.

For me, rifles are scope zero at 100, or irons at 300. The only shots I really worry about is the very small 4" targets that we get at 25 or less. Then the sight offset really shows. How much? You have to practice to find out :smiley:


If thatā€™s your total area of combat, and you establish consistent sighting offset across all of your weapon platforms, I could see the practice as effective and consistent across the ā€˜flat fire rangeā€™ of your ammunition. Given all payloads are subject to gravity, know your distances and try to establish a common performance protocol which allows you to consider any weapon you pick up in your ordinance is consistent. Remember to account for point of aim changing geometry as you need to have complete confidence with your weapon held -/+ 30, 45, 90 degrees in rotation off (your reference) level.

Also, remember there will be no interchangeability between you and any possible team mates. They will expect to share a common practice for zero sighting and it may not be yours.

Iā€™ve undertaken this idea as a mental exercise and do see the merits, some considerations, and recognize primitive vs high order brain response under stress. Anyone out there a trigger puller who has combat time in practice?

Iā€™ve thought of setting up a group of weapons with similar response over the short range CQB expectations. The consideration is here, as a civilian in defense of myself, family, or other; Iā€™m not ever ā€œexpectedā€ to have reason to engage beyond these distance values in other than hunting activities.

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This is one of the better zero videos Iā€™ve seen. Might help you determine what zero to use.

My 2 cents is pick a zero thatā€™ll meet most of your needs and learn your holdovers. Itā€™ll become second nature pretty quickly.


Guys thanks for all the comments. Anybody showing up later feel free to jump on this thread. This is really intriguing. Universal mechanical offset (I will never use this weapon for > 100 meters with this GLASS on it as configured. The normal setup would be to zero at a point and then memorize holdovers. When SHTF and speed is paramount, which will produce the shot in the least time? Might not be the same answer for everyone.

Sheepdog556 ā€“ that zero video was nice. I love how he created a special target to use at 25 yd ranges that will let you set a 36 yd zero. Very innovative! His claim and demonstration that using a 36 yd zero will leave all impact within the size of a CD out to 200 yds. Place a CD on your body and almost forget about holdovers at 200 or in. Hmmmmmm might try it.


Using a Ballistic Calculator offered on the web by Federal and factory loads for common pistol cartridges along with 5.56 NATO, offers a lot of support for point and shoot 40 yards in with a 36 zero. Proof on the range with your weapon(s) of choice and ammo required.