This is how it works - Could it be done in America

Taliban fighters on Monday reportedly began collecting weapons from civilians in Kabul as the insurgent group cements its swift takeover of Afghanistan.

“We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians,” a Taliban official told Reuters.


I would hope we would not give up with such a whimper. :thinking:
I am waiting for the attacks to start again from the islamic extremist’s now that the harris/biden/squad administration has shown to be as weak overseas as at home. Our enemies’ are gathering, sensing the confusion. :unamused:


“I’m from the ‘government’ and I’m here to help.”

How to tell if people are lying: They’re talking.


I’m very glad that I moved to the Florida Swamp.


You have “Gaters” guarding your door. :rofl: Won’t see to many desert dwellers in the swamp. :+1:


Afghanistan! Let the cleansing began. We should have gotten out as soon as BinLaden was assassinated!


No government in history, from the best to the worst of them, have ever been able to provide personal safety to the individuals within their jurisdiction, not even our own.

The best that any government can do is to build a society which is generally safe, through the promulgation of a clear rule of law, well trained law enforcement, and a reliable criminal justice system., as well as a culture which is not tolerant of the use of violence. Personal safety, even within a generally safe environment, is still, and has always been, the responsibility of the individual and/or their immediate cohort.


It’s already taking place in places like NYC, MA and California. Maybe not in a mass door to door…


Mike 164- well, I think it’s apparent that the general population of Kabul has no need for weapons, considering the residents of that city did nothing to protect their city. Kabul’s estimated population for 2021 is 4.3 million. Assuming only 25 percent are males able to fight, that still better than 10 to 1 advantage versus the Taliban (estimated at 80,000, before the mass release of the prisoners that occurred today). Yet, they packed their suitcases and headed to the airport. In response to your original question (could it be done in America), I guess that depends on how complacent we become, and how many of the cow pies getting shoveled lately from “The Hill” people are willing to swallow without question.
There are some interesting stories circulating over the past 24 hours in which a (supposed) Taliban leader explains their strategy, and it all comes down to patience. They will wait for years for their adversary to tire from the ongoing small skirmishes, and eventually give up. The Afghani fighters employed this strategy with the Russians in the 1980’s, and it’s apparently what they did with us in the last 20 years.
Apply this strategy to the constant small, ongoing loss of our liberties that we are seeing in our country today, and it makes you wonder if at some point, people will bend to the will of those politicians who enjoy taxpayer paid personal protection, but want the rest of us to trust them to “keep us safe”, and that “you don’t need to own guns for your protection “.
From my perspective, “I’d rather die on my feet versus live on my knees” as the old saying goes, but it makes you wonder if the majority of the “sheeple” would eventually over time acquiesce and put their full trust in a government that currently wants to “defund police”, maintain an open border that is hemorrhaging drug dealers, convicted felons, and people who traffic fellow human beings, etc. I, for one, would not put my faith in those people to “keep me safe”.
Interesting question you posed- I’m interested to see how others respond.
If my post has offended anyone, my apologies. I never thought in all my years I would see a “Fall of Saigon” moment in my life again. Sadly, I was mistaken. It’s been a very heart wrenching last 24 hours from my perspective.


@BRUCE26 I couldn’t agree more!!! :us: :us: :us:


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

No one was or should be offended by your post, we share your pain. :us: