Things we have learned from the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

We are on the same page!

Yes, to actually see this trial live, bringing up even pictures he had after the incident and seeing how they tried and used that against him was eye opening to say the least!! Scary stuff .

think before you post something that might be a divisive type issue if you feel the need too. Maybe walk away for a bit before hitting the send button


It is sad to see that liberals will turn everything into a race issue, white guy shoots other white guys and for some reason he is a racist?


[quote=“techs, post:7, topic:77670”]

[/quote]i have learned thing in life and that is to shut your mouth and say nothing face book will just get you in trouble

I would not have chosen to put myself in this situation, but the question before the court has nothing to do with whether or not he should have been there. Whether or not it was smart or stupid to be there is irrelevant.


The question is what have we learned
and I hope that many have learned that.

I do think about my posts when related to certain situations. I don’t believe that I have ever posted anything related to any of my personal possessions, how ever I do post and comment on the 2nd amendment and our natural rights to self defense.
I think the way we word your responses is important. you cant say things like “I don’t fire warning shots” due to the high cost of ammo
 those types of comments although free speech can easily be used to paint you as a thug looking for trouble. the truth is we are not Free in this Country it is an illusion. we have freedom to choose our actions and speak our mind, but everything we do or say or post, can potentially be used against us in a court of law or public opinion.


your firearms are for recreational purposes and relaxation
until they’re not.

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I don’t want to feel like I live in China. I say what I think in a constructive or humorous way that same as I would before social media. Pretty soon they will have everyone afraid to say anything.


'to reflect the constitution what is left"

All the whining about the Dem’s, the administration, the GOP 
 is JUST WHINING until the SCOTUS enforces enumerated, LIMITED powers.
Everyone understands the plight we find ourselves; an overpowering federal government is the SCOTUS?
Until such time these horrendous court decisions are reversed, the growth of the federal government, and the elimination of your freedom will continue.

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The terrible thing about this whole conversation, should he have been there, should he have had a gun? The whole point, is that none of us was in Kyle Rittenhouse’ kill zone! He tried to escape both kill zones and was attacked both times by animals that wanted to kill him. If that’s not a cause for justifiable use of force, we may as well start the bloody war and get it over with.
We, as Americans are, or were free to move about this country with no restraint. He obviously was not the aggressor! If your not the aggressor you have the full weight of self defense, wether he was carrying an RPG or a Bug Assault Rifle. His weapon never got pointed until he was under attack. IMHO, he was under attack from animals left, right and center they were the aggressors and the provocateurs! Fires, looting and various felonious acts! Including random Gun fire. If I heard Gun fire in my neighborhood, I’d strap up also, I’d take cover, but I’d still be armed to the teeth! No, I would not run out of my house, but if it came to my castle, it’s defended to the death! That’s the prize for running towards the weapon!
I’m sorry, if some one points any firearm at me, I’m in full stop, hands up skid marks on the pavement as well as the underwear!
That fool that kept approaching an AR15 played a stupid game and won the prize he was grabbing for! IMHO Rossenbaum took one look at baby face Rittenhouse and thought, this punk ain’t gonna shoot, I’ll show him!

Three things stand out. Rittenhouse had an absolute RIGHT to be there, he had and still has an absolute right to bear arms and he has an absolute right to self defense! No matter how foolish the circumstances he still maintains those rights. Last I checked “foolishness” is not a crime!

Since all the facts, including the ones the prosecutor tried to hide, are in the light of day, what say USCCA? How would they proceed had he dialed our emergency number. There were no cops to enforce any laws! Any one of us could be caught up in a situation like this, can’t say it can’t happen! What would the outcome have been had Reginald Denny had a gun???


I’m not a legal expert, just an average person. I haven’t watched all that’s happened in this trial. One thing that is going on defies everything I’ve ever been told and taught. Kyle was running away from or trying to avoid all the people who were shot. This alone should tell people he wasn’t the aggressor and it was self defense.


“Armageddon ready carry status”.
That’s great, I think I’ll turn that into a bumper sticker. Question is, do I put it on the Prius or the Humvee :face_with_monocle:
Kyle Rittenhouse felt Armageddon, acted appropriately! Game over!

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Hmmm, methinks on one a bit comical, on the other totally appropriate :sunglasses:, unless it’s an H3 :wink:


If by free you mean “freedom” from constraint, restraint, responsibility, and accountability, then you are correct — you do not and should not have that “freedom” in any society based upon rule of law and civil behavior. So far, we are still more or less there, so choose your behaviors with care — actions do have consequences.


You are correct! I try thinking like a lawyer before opening my mouth, except to my kids because I want them to know what I mean. LOL

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When a person wants others to act a certain way in every situation, freedom isn’t what you want them to have. It is far too inconvenient.


There are several things I have learned:

  1. The press will always inflame a situation more;
  2. It is critical to have a good attorney, or at a minimum one that cares about you and your case;
  3. There are some that still want to conduct a constitutionally sound court session, and care about the law and justice.

@Christopher_S1 in my humble opinion, the very one sided media is responsible for many many of the problems in this country. They provide only one side of the story and select facts. It is very similar to hearing multiple ‘eyewitness’ accounts. The best you can possibly hope for is to hear many different versions and then try to piece together the truth. There is a news show on Apple tv, Jennifer Anniston makes a rebuttal to a statement about the truth, ‘its up to us to decide what the truth is’. I feel like this is a very accurate portrayal of the real world media. No more real news just paid for opinion.