The Marines remind us that China is coming

I know China is sending people across the Mexican border, because we’ve caught some of them, but I don’t think they’re assembling an infantry division. More likely they’re spies & saboteurs. We’re China’s best customer, so they don’t have a big interest in destroying us. No one else is crazy enough to buy all the cheap, useless junk that they crank out. But they have no problem stealing our corporate and defense secrets so they can build their own versions without the R&D. We’ve caught them doing this, as well, we just don’t do anything about it.

If they really got the crazy idea to send armed forces against us, it would take a lot more than 5 Divisions of unmechanized infantry to conquer the United States. It would cause a small deal of trouble for a short amount of time, but ultimately it would only unite the nation against a common adversary. That’s something China does not want. They aren’t that stupid.


That’s one of the strengths the U.S. has. The sheer number of civilian auxiliary gun owners.

Just taking Concealed Carriers into account (not trying to say a CC is the equivalent of an infantry soldier). The 22,000,000+ concealed carriers alone, in the United States, is greater than the Top 20 national militaries combined.

Kind of a nightmare scenario for anyone wanting to put boots on the ground.



5 divisions = 5,000 young men
they can cause lots of problems
they want our land and natural resources
and get rid of every man woman and child in America
remember the black out in the north east
it was caused by a transmission line hitting the ground
would be easy to do

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Not to mention how many people own guns but don’t carry regularly. And those who don’t own guns but would get one from a neighbor just so they could go fight / defend themselves. An invading force would easily be looking at facing 100,000,000+ angry citizens, plus the regular military.


I have several just for that reason. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve joked with two of my neighbors that if it’s the EOTWAWKI, let’s block the neighborhood in as I have enough guns and ammo for all of us.


PLUS, there is no rule that says we can’t (as Bill Cosby once said regarding the rules for the Revolutionary War), " The colonists can shoot from behind the rocks, and the trees and everything and the British MUST wear red and march in a straight line."


This reminds me of what Admiral Yamamoto said when he recommended that Imperial Japan not invade the U.S. west coast: “There would be a gun behind every blade of grass.”


We old marines are ready, we will not give up our country that easy, even if Biden thinks he is still commander.


I think the Commander might be a flavor at Jeni’s ice cream😀

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Ok so now that our fearless leader has stated to the world " we are out of ammo" how long before China gets some ideas? Just asking…