
My Dear Fellow Tennesseans:

There is new legislation being proposed to address the huge spike in gun thefts from vehicles by criminals who then use those guns in the furtherance of other violent crimes.

They are proposing mandatory safety training of victims as if we are at fault.

Maybe a few are negligent, or are careless however, this focus is misplaced.

I would like to encourage each of you to email each of your Tennessee elected assembly district reps, and senators:

Their proposal is misguided, and a bandaid on a traumatic amputation.

Even unattended police vehicles are burglarized for their equipment including long guns.

The root problem lies in the fact that there are places that prohibit firearms, and as law abiding complaint citizens, we secure are guns in our vehicles before we enter those places.

This leaves our guns vulnerable to theft by criminals who take advantage of that situation.

Breaking into cars is all to easy regardless if they use low or, high tech means of criminal entry.

1-We need fewer prohibited places to be taken advantage of.

2-Criminals in possession of stolen guns need to be vigorously prosecuted, and stiffly sentenced without the possibility of parole to end their recidivism.

We need to get the legislators on side of law-abiding citizens rather than making it more difficult for gun owners.

Thank you most kindly for your consideration of this matter.


Frank J. Samide, USCCA member


Hey guys!

Sorry about the typos.

**Two fat thumbs on a tiny keyboard. **

I shouldn’t post when I’m tired :yawning_face:.



Yet another onerous law to fix a problem that was created by a previous onerous law, that was supposed to fix a previous infringement. Seeing Tennessee going the way it is scares the hell out of me. Never would I have thought to see gun control here.


If everyplace you went was gun friendly this wouldn’t be an issue. I’ve said this before but may be worth repeating. During our CCW course in our area we were cautioned to stow our guns before getting to the “no gun destination.” In some areas people are looking for people that go back to their cars, looking where in the car they are, and if it takes longer than picking up a coat or something, you’ve just become a target. I’m not in Tennessee, but this warning was issued to us in Arizona where we have constitutional carry. The number of guns stolen from vehicles has been going up. If you do go back to lock your gun, pick something up so it’s not so obvious why you may have gone back.

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Excellent points, same thing to do before crossing a state-line, if you have to go gunless; maybe not at the last rest area before crossing over but, at the next to last rest area.

Same situational awareness required leaving a bank, or :atm: now.

The robbers expect you to be more alert where you get money but, many let their guard down as soon as they sit in the car not proctorizing from that point forward, maybe not even locking there door, and moving off X where they might first get attacked let alone down the road aways to there next destination like a store, work, or home.

The robbers got this thing called “Jugging.” They follow their target victims to their next destination, and jump them there.

Most of the victims drop their guard driving straight home not once checking their rear view mirrors to see if they are being followed.

It’s like they lost their minds completely regarding situational awareness before they even physically left where they got their money.
Without looking for anyone loitering paying undue attention to them let alone following them.

Anytime / anywhere you open your car door to get in, or out of your car you could be exposing yourself to attack for anything a robber wants of value; gun, money, merchandise, car all you got, whatever.

Colonel Cooper’s color code levels of awareness: we can no longer cruise at White: Oblivious.

We must be at at least

Yellow aware of our surroundings and, who might be loitering nearby, or approaching us, especially at a point of vulnerability getting in, or out of our cars at banks / ATMs, stores, gas stations, our driveways, wherever.

Orange, the next level checking further out to the middle distance looking for trouble waiting, or approaching, a block, or two ahead of where we are walking, or driving in time enough to divert to a detour before we get in closing distance of anyone, or anything suspicious.

Red: TSHTF, and you are being rushed, and about to collide under attack.

If you were at orange this should not be a surprise, maybe you even cleared leather by now as well you should have.

In the military this is the danger zone: Going to Condition Red, exposing the red dot :red_circle: indicating the that safety’s off, in preparation to firing :boom:.

OODA: Observe the threat,
Orient to (face) the threat
Decide what to do, and
(then commit to that decision)
Act on that decision:
Clear Leather, take aim,
or quick point, ready to
put your finger on the trigger
And, :boom:. Or, alternatives…