Talking With... The Anti-Gun Crowd (Effectively)!?!

You can’t change all people.

“I’ve discovered that you can’t change people. They can change themselves.” ~Jim Rohn

We plant seeds and move on!


@George98 >>I know we can’t change them . It would be helpful to let them to understand the answer to the problem is not destroying 2A and why the system failed.
( your point is always respected >>THANK YOU. )


For many years, I refused to own a gun you could not hunt with. Because I thought all the rest were only good for one thing, shooting people, and that made them too “evil” for me to want to own. So, to this day, I understand those feelings in others, and some of the resulting conclusions they come too about owning a gun, and, gun owners.

What changed me, with regard to certain guns, was nothing less than the eventual ability to recognize the harsher realities of life, ​the truth of the human nature we all bear with us, and how those things are necessarily overcome to give rise to a civil and secure society.

A gun is to crime and, unchecked human nature, what antiseptic is to disease.

But shooting is much more than just this one vital role. And while some of the other roles are not as prevalent as they once were, they are not eliminated, nor are they useless, nor are they yet, wise to relinquish.

The roots of the passionate anti-gun belief system are very often grown in the soil of bad or incomplete knowledge. knowledge that has deliberately been misshapen and corrupted to encourage a nation to be convinced that it should give up this powerful "antiseptic " for the public good, or for safety , when in fact, full and accurate knowledge would reveal that to do so would accomplish the very reverse.

Therefore, by the design of careful misinformation, the conversation about guns becomes a very complicated and convoluted conversation where foundational beliefs would first have to be enlightened before the passionate anti-gun person would reasonably be able to agree with you. For example, If a person believes that there is no longer, ever, any legitimate situations where lethal force could come to be required, then that belief will override any other considerations you might bring to bear.

While some will never choose to own a gun themselves, and I support that, I think the real battle ground is the missing or bad information, out of which, grows a misguided passion or belief. As some have said, this then requires a calm, patient, and well versed knowledge to be presented confidently and with understanding. If the passions are flared, very little listening, let alone learning, will ever happen.

This is the challenge that seems uppermost to me.

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I’ll take a clue from Rules for Retrogrades, Forty Tactics to Defeat the Radical Left by Gordon and Gordon, published by TAN Books, Gastonia N.C. 2019
Risus bellum est: Laughter is war
“If a man responds line -item to a radical’s insane proposition in a way which suggests that it deserves more dignity than it actually merits, moderate and incautious listeners nearby may be persuaded in the wrong direction. If they are not persuaded all the way in the wrong direction, they will at the very least lose interest in the prolix dialogue between you and the radical, assuming as they walk away that the truth is probably something of a median between the two positions they heard. On the other hand, if they had heard you simply laugh at the idiotic blasphemy leveled by the radical, your punchy laughter would have served well both their curiosity and their short attention span.
In other words, one need not outsmart oneself by avoiding the intuitive schoolyard approach to ridicule. Trust you gut when it tells you to laugh at radical claims.”