My son was in town for a long weekend. Spent an hour or so at the range playing with our guns and a rented AK then went to lunch. It was a great afternoon! The next day he went fishing with his mom!
In my family, my late sister, my granddaughter, and when she’s old enough, my great granddaughter
I’m currently teaching the gal I rent a room from in MI. In the past, I brought a whole flock of bellydancers, students of mine, to the range - most of them full of fear and solidly anti-gun (bonus!! new converts!!) I’ve worked with a lot of wives or girlfriends of men I shoot with… ones who weren’t wanting to go to the range, or weren’t having fun having their guy teach them, or were just too scared to try.
My dad’s funeral will be in October, and that’s the next time I’ll see most of my nieces and nephews. Big barbeque planned during the weekend, maybe we can work in a couple of hours at the range and let them try it on too. That will be interesting, they’re 12-19, six of them.
Well, not exactly a “loved one” but definitely a friend… my boss’s boss. First time he’s shot since he mustered out of the Navy 20 years ago… and finally got him to the range yesterday. Shot my Sig 250c .22 and then my Ruger P89 9mm and had a great time!
I’m thinking he might have been quite good 20 years ago because even after a two decade gap he shot really well
Next up… my boss. He’s from Japan, so this will be a little tougher.
When I was stationed in Hawaii one of the biggest draws for the Japanese tourists was a 15 yard indoor range that was covered in movie posters of actors with guns. All of the guns they rented had either movie or actor names. The most popular was “Crint Eash-wood” and that 8" S&W. They charged stupid amounts of money to rent them and get your picture taken with it, often times they had a line out the door.