Smith&Wesson Response Carbine 9mm

What is the point of the forum if we can’t respect each other’s opinions.


It’s a side effect of any Internet forum…
You are just a “somebody” hidden behind the keyboard, you never face anything more than some written reprimand, which usually doesn’t hurt.
Sometimes it’s the only way people can release their frustrations without being physically or mentally hurt.


How can we release our frustrations if we don’t discuss it?


Not this time. Sometimes it’s better to agree to disagree and move out smartly.


Can we just come back to enjoying and discussing the right “Response”? :wink:


I think I am feeling your pain and don’t know if I should ignore it. If your OK I’m okay.


For the first time I watched sootch00 review without hearing him saying a single word… and I fully agreed with his opinion.


I am ok brother. Thank you though. I appreciate it sir.

I just know in my bones that war is coming. Somehow. Someway.




I hope you realize that such malfunction is caused only by user / operator… to be more specific - bad shooter’s grip? :joy:

To be honest… I think I experienced almost every kind of malfunction on my C2. Never got and hopefully will never get, squib load. :face_with_peeking_eye:
They say - if you never experienced malfunction, you hadn’t shot enough.


For me, while a PCC is appealing, I would only get one if they use Glock or Shield Plus mags. I don’t own a regular M&P pistol.

And the folding design is very appealing.


Vigil brother have him Pat me I need extra money and I have a decent carbine and I love it and he can buy me ammunition is STED of the enemy Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::chile::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::100:


I have a 2.0 9.millamiter S&W.m&p . Steel Series and . It’s nice 17, round magazines and . . It’s very very nice and it has four different size grips . To fit any hand . Great edc


Virgil. All you need to do is take a look at the Texas Mexico border :bangbang: AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT MESKENS COMING ACROSS FROM MEXICO :bangbang: AND THEY WANT ALL AMERICANS DEAD​:bangbang: YOU ARE RIGHT WAR IS HERE . :bangbang::bangbang: AND WE ALL ARE JUST WAITING TO BE ATTACKED :owl::feather::feather::chile::us::100::100::100::bangbang::bangbang:


Which brings us to the question, If the PCC was your available weapon in response to a SHTF situation such as a terrorist attack, is it going to be sufficient? Obviously it would be relatively underpowered, but certainly better than a handgun, with ammo probably more readily available if it came down to scrounging. Easier to carry more, lighter weight ammo? Do these considerations outweigh the purchasing of an AR style .556?

I am not a hunter, so my biggest concern would be weapons for self defense. 9mm is a good deal cheaper for sufficient range practice to get proficient with the weapon. That is my thinking. Also uses same ammo as my hand gun, so better deals on large bulk ammo purchases, and depending on model, same mags. These positives all make more sense to me than buying an AR style rifle. I would like to hear others’ views. Thanks.


Hello @Ron43xMOS . That is a good question for us to consider. I really see my FPC as sort of a companion to my bedside pistol. The carbine is on the other side of my nightstand. If I have enough warning of an intruder into my home (I should), I will grab the carbine and get my wife into the fight. She has access to her pistol and a Ruger Charger, also in 9mm. They are both equipped with light-laser combos and green dot sights.

Speaking of the wife, she can easily wield either of the carbines. I too see the commonality of ammo as an advantage. It is underpowered, but the reduction of flash and blast in the bedroom seems like a desirable thing, especially while fighting with my wife at my side. She is not used to that sort of thing as much as I am. I have flash cans on both weapons to mitigate it somewhat.

If it were just me at home by myself, I would probably have an AR by the bed. I very much agree that the 9mm is underpowered compared to a rifle round. My desire to minimize blast and flash for my wife makes the 9mm my choice. We load them up with +P Federal HST or Speer Gold Dot rounds to make the 9mm as good as it can be.

As far as a SHTF scenario, I will consider my AR platforms as primary. I have two set up as CQB rifles and another in 6.5 Grendel for longer engagements. Except for the Grendel, I agree that having weapons in commonly avialable calibers is critical. My bolt guns are .308s for the same reason.

Fantastic question Ron, and I hope others will share their setups and opinions on the matter.


Is it safe to say the 9mm carbine would be a sufficient weapon for at least 97% of self defense situations in which a handgun might be considered inadequate?


I honestly don’t know sir. You gain just a little more muzzle velocity, a bit more capacity, and the ability to be more stable during firing. Despite this, it is still a 9mm. I feel like I can be more accurate with the carbine, which is an advantage.


The difference in some of the +P loads can be significant.

Here’s my dilemma.

  1. I haven’t been collecting/stockpiling firearms for decades like some folks. I have a 10/22 rifle and a 9mm semi.
  2. Firearms (And the associated ammo, permit, insurance, range membership, ancillary equipment) are expensive for me and we’re on a fixed income.
  3. Wife doesn’t really appreciate firearms :frowning_face: (divorce is not an option, we’re still in love)
  4. I want a defense rifle.

Nothing’s easy…


After reading the above, if you are not too concerned with reaching out to 2to5 hundred yards then I think a PCC would be a good fit for you. If your pistole mags fit the carbine, so much the better, practice, practice, practice. I have 3 10-22s and would not want to be without one.
(divorce is not an option) I know that always complicates things. :face_exhaling: