Shots fired at national park after alleged Bigfoot sighting


Another Black Bear shot in the a$$. :roll_eyes:


Even if it were Bigfoot, why would you shoot it?


Hmmmm, Not sure if their eatable or would that be borderline cannibalism. :thinking:




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Some people should just stay at home. Maybe watch Harry and the Hendersons.


I’m sure alcohol has nothing to do with this incident :roll_eyes:


Really? If Big Foot is really out there, it is not a pet. It is a wild animal that can take down and kill a deer with its bare hands. I have spent a lot of time out in the woods and nature is not always kind. A mountain lion will see you and already know where he wants to ambush you and take you to eat you. If you see one it has already seen you and plotted his plans.

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Seriously? If Bigfoot is really out there, he wears Nikes, and has a strict diet of broccoli. He is an enlightened being who reads existential poetry on Sundays. Point being, my description is as true as any other.

What I was saying is the guy running around paranoid about mythical creatures, showing people his gun and shooting at noises in the night shouldn’t be out there in the first place. That’s all.


You should have said that in the first place! I thought you were saying you could learn more about bigfoot by watching T.V. LOL! Sorry for the miss-understanding but, now that is just funny. Don’t forget, he plays the Saxophone!

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I saw Bigfoot once. We didn’t have a chance to talk but he did give me a thumbs up for my Halloween costume.


No video - no believe. Sorry!

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It would be funny except Yahoos with guns make us all look bad!

Know your target and what lies beyond it.

Probably a bear or one of those terrifying raccoons:/ but that guy likely would have shot at someone stepping out of the woods in their polka dot PJs after taking a trip to the bathroom.

Not to mention laws such as no discharging firearms in National Parks or near campgrounds.


“One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don’t know.”
-Capt. Spaulding :wink:


This could have ended horribly in multiple ways.

  1. We finally have proof of the extremely rare Sasquatch, and now it’s extinct.
  2. Some Star Wars adventure club just lost their Chewbacca.
  3. Sasquatch does not like the feel of 9mm, decides to take the shooter’s beef jerky and hang him by his underwear.
  4. ATF decides all firearms need to be banned in order to protect endangered species from drunken idiots.

Don’t think there is anything horrible about option number 3 as long as the Sasquatch doesn’t need anything more than a bandaid:)


“Drunk Hillbillies shoot mosey tree”
Fixed the headline

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I thought that I had a bead on an overgrown leprechaun at one time, but it was just someone watching David Caruso in a movie, wearing a green porkpie hat.

Bunch of drunked up hillbillies flying high on Kentucky’s finest.

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Funny how she said rangers responded to a call about a man with a gun in the park, like oh big foot? Nah no a big deal. He’s got a pistol out there?