Shot Placement?

@MikeBKY >>> can these statements be used to show ( intent to commit
Murder - Intent to commit bodily harm or injury in a court of law :question:)

Of course. Any thing you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Law. :grimacing:

@BRUCE26 >>> After they read you your rights >> but what about ( BEFORE ) :question::us::us::us::us:[quote=“BRUCE26, post:162, topic:44229, full:true”]
Of course. Any thing you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Law. :grimacing:

Everyone knows that police and prosecutors cast a wide net searching social media and other online forums looking for evidence, especially in high profile cases. Yes, this could be used as evidence against someone in a criminal trial. But, it can also be used in your defense. The only mention of killing a threat is in a Hollywood quote. All other references refer to stopping the threat and the best way to do that.
We are also looking from the perspective of a self defense incident and the use of reasonable force. Starting with the assumption that deadly force would be reasonable in the situation, it is pretty certain that there is an intent to inflict serious bodily injury or death when the trigger was squeezed so as to stop the threat.