Sex offender 0 woman 1

after reading the article, would have to say. good that she sent him to a grave. bad, that she fired a warning shot through her window.


think of all the money that this relatively inexpensive projectile saved the citizens of the state of Arizona. She deserves a medal.


As it should be. I hope the message get’s out, this stuff isn’t free and easy anymore. Try it and you might just run into a person that is willing to protect themselves.


A registered sex offender :roll_eyes:

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Tsk…tsk…tsk. Stop with the warning shots already! They do nothing but give DA grounds to charge defenders.


This is a perfect example of the use of the 2nd Amendment and Castle Doctrine-the rights bear arms to protect yourself and your property from the evil of others.

I agree that she shouldn’t have fired a warning shot due to the danger it presents to other people.


Ooops! My bad!

I guess I shouldn’t sound as callous as that, because I give deference to all human life; however, those that are bent on doing the wrong things and pursuing heinous acts and victimizing others because of their deranged sensibilities, then they will eventually get their wish – to be relieved early of their troubles with this life. “And that’s all I have to say about that…” ~ Forest Gump


Welcome to the Community @Timothy310

Hello and welcome @Timothy310

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