Self Defense Philosophy - Fight or Flight

Since this is a self defense organization, I would tend to be a counter attack person. Wait my turn and then go to work. Practice my draw, look for drills to practice and neutralize the threat or get away fast as I could.

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There are many self defense situations where we will have no choice but to react to an attackers first move. But if you recognize an attack is coming and still allow the aggressor to act first the game might be over before you get your turn.


I agree. The best defense is offense, in some cases, which results from situational awareness.
I will not be a sitting duck.


Attackers get to set the time and place where it best suits his needs. I practice looking around stores and parking lots and still ppl get past my radar. Fake compliance is a valid and good strategy. Hands in front of you, saying youā€™re in charge to get the bad guy at ease, let him turn his head or shoulder from you. Only a 1.5 second draw to first shot and he canā€™t react to you in time.

As the saying goes: practice, practice, practiceā€¦.


Remember that when itā€™s your turn, the difference here is that you DONā€™T GIVE IT BACK!


You are correct. You need to know all of the facts before getting into a shooting situation. Remember the person entering a situation must be completely br innocent of causing the conflict or inflating the situation. If you walk into a building and your friend is involved in a situation and you shoot someone to protect him, then you find out that he was the cause you could be in for a problem.

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