Renwal of skills

I went to the range yesterday for the first time in far too long. I shot like crap.

After packing my gear and slapping myself around a bit, I renewed my range membership for another year and made an April Fool’s Day Resolution to hit the range on a regular basis, to employ drills and training techniques designed to improve specific skills, and the keep records to track progress/deficiencies.

I know April 1st is still a couple days off. So, sue me.


As usual David, you are right on point. Identify the problem, admit the cause, develop an action plan. It ain’t like riding a bicycle for sure. I also need to go much more than I do.


I commented to R this morning "I haven’t been to the range since December. Time to get off my Butt and go…


I’ve been snowed out of my various shooting areas since the end of November. When that happens I usually try and take a ride down towards the valley to get out of the snow but just haven’t had the time this year. Hoping the extra dry fire practice I’ve put in this past month will have kept the skills from eroding too much!


Thank goodness for MantisX


Put routine firearm maintenance, dry fire drills, and range days into your calendar. If it is important enough to do, it is important enough to write it down!


Agree with @Mike164 … MantisX, Laser Academy, Strikeman/StrikemanPro, and DryFireMag all have their uses when you cannot make it to the range. It is always possible to do random draw, readiness, sight line, steadiness, and other drills when at home!


Hello and welcome @CHRISTOPHER420


Welcome aboard sir! We are glad to have you.

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Well I’m pretty faithful about getting to the range once a week until just recently. Having to take a break while they figure out this month how to repair a heart valve and have to take some tests later in the month but once that’s done I’ll be back on the range. Hopefully the 18th they’ll tell me they can repair it by going through my groin. That’s only a two-day hospital stay.


I keep my range membership because I hate wasting money, so I go at least once or twice a month. Plus, I just enjoy it.


Getting the valve repair without open heart would be great. I had my aortic valve replaced 13+ years ago and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the recovery - lasted about 2 months and was quite uncomfortable for the first few weeks. If mine gets to the point where it needs to be replaced, a definite possibility, I also hope it can be through the groin vessels. Good luck.


Going through the groin isn’t nearly as bad as it was a few years ago, but the wrist is certainly preferred, if possible.
Going through the thorax is something else entirely.
Been there done that, all three routes.


May I humbly suggest, live fire range time is essential, but can be significantly augmented by dry fire, Mantis X, laser pistols and reactive laser targets, CO2 replicas, all of which can be done at home indoors for a fraction of the cost and time.


I bought a MantisX several years ago… Never regretted it. I practice every day for 5 to 10 minutes, no more, and when I go to the range I feel the effect of the dry fire practice. It’s the best-spent money you can think of.


I made it to the range today after a six month layoff due to health reasons. It’s amazing how sloppy my gun control was after 6 months. Next trip I’ll have to build my fundamentals again. I took too many pistols. Next trip, my EDCs & my home defense pistol only. The great news is that my son & I rented am MP5!!!
It was absolutely awesome. We really had fun.

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Went today, first time since the first of Decmber.

Bottom - 15 yds
Middle - 10 yards
Top - 5 yds
Right - Springfield .380 (3")
Left - Kimber 9mm (3.16")
(Both are compacts)

A bit rusty but still comfortable I could go close to center mass if need be.


The picture doesn’t do it justice. Those two larger pieces of brass? They are laying amongst 223/556 brass. Look close, you could actually stick the 223/556 brass inside of those monsters. I’m glad I wasn’t there when those thing went off.


Glad to hear you are back on your feet! I’ve never shot an MP5 but they look like fun:)


I would love to shoot one of those. They look fun.

When I go to the range, I try to limit myself to just two guns. If my wife goes she may only bring two of hers as well.

I find we get more out of it with quality time vs quantity.

Glad you made it back to the range :slight_smile:

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