Recommended lawyers in Idaho

Well, I have been reviewing your list of lawyers for USCCA in S/W Idaho, and one outstanding firm is missing. Alex Kincaid Law, Meridian, Idaho.
She is a firearms law attorney and has written a book, “Infringed”, about the right to keep and bear arms. She has also set up a gun trust for me and is well known to gun rights groups in Idaho.

I was on your website today and looked for her on your approved lawyer list. I was surprised that she wasn’t on it. I hope that I never have to use my USCCA defense coverage, but I would call her if necessary. Is your defense coverage limited to preferred providers, like medical insurance, or can I select my own lawyer? So, would her legal fees be covered by USCCA or not?


Contact Delta Defense’s Customer Engagement Team at 800-674-9779 with any questions.


Let us know the answer


You can pick your own criminal defense attorney


You can select your own lawyer and her feed would be covered in the case of a covered event.

When I stared looking at law firms using the USCCA provided list there were only 4 attorneys for the entire state. 2 of which didn’t even practice anymore. So I started looking on my own, I found the law firm that was best known for self defense, talked with them, and got them enrolled in the USCCA. They are who the USCCA will call for me if I ever have the misfortune to need their services.

Hope this helps and welcome to the forum community.


@Thomas440 Have her contact USCCA to get enrolled into the list of attorneys.