What states defend the anonimity of permit holders?
Are you looking for a specific state, @Michael473? (If so, check out the USCCA reciprocity map - it will direct you to the right information.)
Kentucky State Police only provides it to law enforcement agencies.
KRS 237.110 (10)
The Department of Kentucky State Police shall maintain an automated listing of license holders and pertinent information, and this information shall be available upon request, at all times to all Kentucky, federal, and other states’ law enforcement agencies. A request for the entire list of licensees, or for all licensees in a geographic area, shall be denied. Only requests relating to a named licensee shall be
honored or available to law enforcement agencies. Information on applications for licenses, names and addresses, or other identifying information relating to license holders shall be confidential and shall not be made available except to law enforcement agencies. No request for lists of local or statewide permit holders shall be made to any state or local law enforcement agency, peace officer, or other agency
of government other than the Department of Kentucky State Police, and no state or local law enforcement agency, peace officer, or agency of government, other than the Department of Kentucky State Police, shall provide any information to any requester not entitled to it by law.
I was looking for a list of States that either protected identities of licensees, or provided that information to anyone seeking to obtain it. If someone could obtain it, what process would he/she need to use in order to have it released.
To get the a list you would need to check each state’s laws and, if they allow the release, you would need to follow the states process for obtaining the list. You are going to need to do your research.
I understand. I was hopeful that information was already gathered here and I was just missing it. Sure would be useful for some folks to have that on the map (hint, hint)
You can find out who does and does not by checking each state on the reciprocity map. From there it’s a matter of figuring out whether they do or do not release. KY is simple because it is in the same statute that created the permits but it can fall anywhere the legislature decides.
Well, I looked for the third time, viola!
I was looking because my sister was debating the facts; after obtaining her handgun permit, she thought she could carry with it. Apparently, one has to provide a “legally recognized” reason simply to own a handgun and her permit was just for that, not a permit to carry, which is separate all together. She didn’t believe that public knowledge of CHP registration was legal in New York. I had to show her what a famous newspaper published a few years back about New York CHP holders.