I love my country, but I’m ashamed of my government
There is NO acceptable reason for this video to be unavailable on USCCA’s website, OR for it to be age restricted at all. Firstly, USCCA only allows people aged 21 or over, so USCCA should contact Youtube and explain this and take action if Youtube persists. Secondly, this site is already age restricted!
It’s YouTube that’s restricting the view of the video not this site
yes it is youtube age restriction not USCCA’s restriction
That’s what I am talking about.
Obviously, I am unable to confirm or deny the legitimacy of the claims made in this article or the video(s) embedded, however, it is similar and relevant to the OP.
“I am from the government and am here to help” is the biggest lie ever told. The victims would be better off is FEMA stayed home and just let the NG and private charities do what is necessary. Electric chainsaws to a place with no power is the ultimate insult.
I agree it is youtube’s fault. Ijust think youtube needs to understand that this is an adults only site. I can’t do that, so I mentioned USCCA should tell them. Might not even make a difference but it’s worth the try.
There is only one way to restore faith in the government but…unfortunately the Mainstream News Media and a few well Funded individuals that run them have bought and paid for the slanted stories about the success of All of the government agencies. So Sad that so many folks just buy into what the say because the quote a government source.
Yep That and $750 bucks will get you a cup of coffee, when you finally climb out of the mud!
Go ahead, ask me if the 2A works, I dare you!
Tyranny against the citizens who should STOP PAYING TAXES, NOW and forever hold their piece…
Brother I thought we have little people 14 years old listening to what we are saying so I freaked out and definitely stopped saying to much off the wall crap KAZ they believe . Every thing and the truth is dangerous I found out . For Pete’s sake be careful love Bobby jean and Debbie ann
Wilfred5. The only way to restore faith in the government . Is to fire every last one. And find some Americans with blisters on their hands. And have . Some things to show for being in this country. And . Knows what it means to work for a living. Comes. SENCE that word honestly some one who has been in combat. what we truly need is . A good person with . Psd. To stand up to the outher countries who want us all dead . That . Will . Send the enemy the message. F.O. Seriously Bobby jean. They have my vote . We need a president seriously messed up enough to scare the hell out of china’s azz and RUSHSAs azz . And the democrats. Azz amen