Panic buying

Look I understand everybody’s buying up first time weapons because you know either they’re scared for their life they’re panicked buying because they think they’re going to disappear as someone whose father was in the military along with an uncle and who grew up around guns as a middle of the road person relax when buying your ammo and your weapons cuz you’re going to panic buy and all you’re doing is messing it up for everybody who really wants to ammo and guns and then you’re going to be stuck with all these extra ones for what and it’s just relax when buying ammo and guns they’re not going anywhere no matter how much everybody touts and says they are they’re not you panicked by and then there’s a mass influx of used guns later when y’all want to get rid of them and it’s just like you know I mean don’t be that person that ruins it for everybody else

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Longest sentence ever award winner. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m out of breath just reading it. :wink:


WOW. :stuck_out_tongue:
That was me reading that post:

A 2021-06-24 08-21-21


Yea sorry I was using voice to text and the damn thing didn’t put punctuation

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Yeah I do that keeping people on there toes

Which is great… We don’t want to have machine that gets higher intelligence lever that average person.


You show me a computer that commits suicide because it got dumped and maybe then I’ll start to believe in “artificial intelligence”.


Aww really I’m sorry I use the TEACHINGS military personnel taught me…didn’t realize I was just supposed act like a mindless drone bitching about guns trucks freedom

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A computer that gets dumped, and just moves on without committing suicide. That’s intelligence.


I think that there are a lot of people scared for their lives right now. Since the COVID lockdowns started last spring, then the riots over the summer, the defund the police movement and the rapidly escalating crimes rates in the larger cities have put a lot of people on edge. I know I no longer feel as safe as I once did. I’m one of the ones that got my concealed carry license last year because of it.

So you’ve got millions of new gun owners - setting all time records - who all need ammo for those guns. The global supply chain for everything got completely wacked because of the COVID lockdowns and then add on top of that the panic buying you brought up. A recipe for disaster.

It’s not just ammo though. I can’t think of anything that isn’t suffering shortages right now - from lumber to new cars to homes.


@Daniel419 . Not sure if I see your concern based on your argument. If this is all needless panic buying and everyone is just going to dump everything they bought then with a little patience we all win with drastically reduced prices.

I personally can understand all the new concern. Especially by those who didn’t own firearms but suddenly realized that the police aren’t going to be there to save them if something bad happens. I am fortunate in that I got into personal and family defense long before the chaos. If I didn’t have any tools I would have certainly tried to get them at any cost in this climate.

I wish I could share your optimism that these tools will always be available. We are just a vote or two away from dramatic restrictions on semi auto firearms and standard capacity magazines. I am sure many of the “pro gun” Republicans would vote for those restrictions in a heart beat if they felt it wouldn’t cost them their next election. At the moment it would only take one or two to show their true colors for many of our purchasing options to disappear.


Well, that was a little extreme. You joined the forum only a day ago. Was there something unique to the reply that made you feel KillJoy, and perhaps many others here, are “mindless drones” in regard to “guns , trucks, and freedom”?

BTW, I don’t own a truck, but drive a Subaru Crosstrek. I’d like to maybe get a Toyota Tacoma, but I’m not desperate to have one. I have a few pistols and a couple rifles. I get to the range about twice a month. I maintain them and enjoy learning more about them – just like every other tool I own, from Linux laptop to circular saw.

I can’t say I am “obsessed” with freedom, but would hate to lose it and would fight to keep it. Which includes the right to free speech, feedom of religion (or the freedom to practice none if you so desire), as well as the right to self-defense and to keep and bear arms. I hope that does not make me a “mindless drone”.


Definitely not mindless. Have Subaru’s also, no trucks. Freedom? I like freedom.

If they’d go after the fringe nuts (hint hint…) first and then see how things go after, everyone might be surprised.

Bari Weiss said something very interesting recently, “Anyone in the middle today is politically homeless.” True and terribly sad, not to mention very troubling.


The irony is that if the Republicans collectively grew a backbone and stood up for the rights we elected them to defend, they wouldn’t have to worry about votes.


Afraid money for themselves and their backers is the prime motivation of the vast majority of DC critters. The votes are just a means to an end for them. Which is the prime reason so many people have so many things to consider panicking over these days:(

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Voice texting (period). When you make a statement and you are done you say,“period.” this is the method of punctuations for your message,(period).


Government. They have given you no reason to trust them.


I’m talking about intelligence, not emotions.

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we need more emojis…meth is a terrible drug.

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