Pandemic Part Deux


Reminds me of Stephen King’s book The Stand.


Yes, been following this, we have an upcoming election in Nov. 2024. :thinking:


I said exactley that to R the other day.
She said “Wow the price of gas seems to be coming down”. My response,


I believe that scamdemic part deux was misspelled!


I won’t be participating as I didn’t the first time.


This seems like a to be expected outcome to me. You have billions of children with weakened immune systems because the majority of them were forced into isolation during the mismanaged Covid fiasco.

They were all exposed to significantly fewer bugs during that period and now their immune systems need to learn how to deal with them all again.


There are some very interesting happenings on the front. As we all know Biden emptied the strategic oil reserve to artificially reduce oil prices solely to help Democrats’ chances during the last election. Since he never refilled it as promised/required the Saudis are cutting production and now starting to trade oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. This last part should scare the crap out of everyone since it will very likely lead to massive devaluation of the dollar over the next couple of years.

But now that Biden and his handlers can’t tap the significantly emptied strategic reserve anymore they moved to ease sanctions on Venezuela and recognize Maduro as the rightful leader in order to get some cheap oil from them and try to keep prices down. Now dictator Maduro realizes he has US by the balls and is moving to gain control of more oil by threatening to invade Guyana.

The U.S. government has a long history of having to pay significant long term costs for supporting ruthless dictators for minor short term gains.


And you don’t know what diseases are crossing our borders


So now they have to build an immunity to a weakened immune system. Hopefully they have the strength to do that. The alternative might not be so pleasant.

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I’m no expert on the subject but suspect that especially for the very young kids whose immune system exposures to various viruses and bugs were significantly delayed will take quite some time to build up that immunity. I wonder if lack of exposure during early development could have long term or perhaps even permanent impacts on immune system development?

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I try to follow the logic if you find yourself in a whole stop digging, Not sure if it applies.

I’ve been known to dig the occasional deep hole for myself but I’m not sure who the hole diggers are that you are referring to in this case?

I am not referring to hole diggers. My concern is getting out of the hole. My opinion is to not take cures that we cannot fight if the cures don’t work. That is the metaphor to stop digging the hole. If we’ve already taken the cure, all we can do is pray we find a cure we can endure. To me it doesn’t matter who the hole diggers are.
Speaking of holes, I have a riddle. How much dirt is in a hole one foot wide by one foot wide by one foot high.


None. Zero Dirt.


The third laws of holes….

Don’t sweat the petty stuff, pet the sweaty stuff. Just saying.


I think this post was hijacked. Sorry @Karacal

Not yet! :rofl:


I wonder… Does he pet the Tweety? :thinking:


Then it is still a mystery.

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