You sniff Teslas?!? Don’t the owners think you’re some kinda freak???
WTF dude…I am sooooo disapointed…I need to go find a safe space
What are the odds this guy gets re elected?.. I’m guessing purdy danged good!
Jus’ sayin’.
If the dude ran a McDonald’s, all of his customers would come down with food poisoning and he would blame global warming and Trump.
There are 11 people who ran out of “a next time” Gavin. Good leaders don’t need a next time they anticipate the fix ahead of time.
I saw on the news last night a video where they talked about how fire crews are going through the woodland clearing out undergrowth and dead fall to reduce fire risk. WHY THE HEAVEN DIDN’T ANY ONE THINK TO DO THAT BEFORE A DOZEN OR MORE PEOPLE DIED AND 10,000 PEOPLE LOST THEIR HOMES? Huh, Gavin???
This all is one of the most infuriating stories I can remember. Yeah, lots of celebrities lost their houses, but way more important, lots of regular working class folks lost everything (including family members). Many of them probably were like the people I know in New York, disgusted with the terrible government, but powerless against the Democrat machine that runs the state and counts the votes. And now they pay the price.
Because the people voted in politicians beholding to radical environmentalist policies
And those people that are moving out now will bring those policies with them when they move next door
If THAT isn’t GOD’S TRUTH! Nothing is.
Just look to Colorado, Arizona, Texas and Lil old New Mexico and
you can CLEARLY see the ‘Woke Axx’ Demoncratic policies in action.
Their ship is clearly sinking what do they want? More holes in the boat!
This is a Warning shot (these LA Fires)
If Folk’s continue to listen and vote these fools in this country is ducked!.
Don’t forget the Masshats
In that state the 2nd is already gone
If you vote for socialism, it will end in this manner, I pray for victims, however, the majority of Californians voted for this foreseen outcome, their “Mother Earth” is cleaning up after herself, that’s what nature does, the climate will change and there is not one damn thing anyone can do about it.
The Land of Fruits and Nuts is just one large dumpster fire.
All goals of the local government employees hired/appointed by the elected folks who got off their respective couches, actually ran for office and figured out how to convince the majority of the voting electorate to color in a bubble on a ballot for them. Until and unless a viable opposition political movement emerges, this won’t/can’t change.
Here in SLC the Democrats win every time. They don’t vote for the terrible policies, they don’t vote for the higher taxes, they don’t vote for the homeless camps in their neighborhoods, they don’t vote for soft on crime police departments… they don’t like it any more than we do. They vote against Republicans, they vote against conservative philosophies, they basically vote against who the talking heads tell them to vote against.
New Mex is no different
‘Well Mi Popi and Mi Grand Popi
Vote straight Blue so I vote straight Blu
right down the line. Doesn’t matter who the
Politician is as long as it’s not a Republicano’.
Well times they are a changing even here
The Vote was 48% Red last time—unheard of for here.
If the Cartels didn’t Vote Blu-strong we may have had a change.
The Crim’s WANT because out here they are non-existent.
No one has seen Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller in MONTHS!
When we had Martin Chavez in power the city was doing good.
Crime down, clean streets, and an ACTIVE Police force.
These days all the Patrol Cars (Both of them) have
‘Have an Emergency Call 311’… Information line I kid you not.
Burglary? File a Report, we don’t have the man power to come out to see you now.
OH? Ok. 'Bugulary? ‘BANG BANG!’ Howz dat! Send a Meat wagon!
Remember Folk’s when the SHTF:
‘Aim Small, Miss Small’.
Or 811
Exactly, we have all the latest cancer causing fire retardants a state could wish for. Our research by the Mickey Mouse center for better traps is conclusive on this.
Nah man, you can go rent a mini backhoe from your local rental store, go find a hot arid place and plant the SOB. Of course a wet spot near a tree works too.
they could pump the ocean water up with 8 inch high pressure hoses. about halfway through the video he shows all of the hoses they can relay pump it to the fires.
FDNY has a whole Marine fleet of fire boats and other assets to fight shoreline and shipping fires especially along the extensive international longshore docks of the Port of NYC.
How far inland they can provide firefighting water is likely limited.
But, that might be worth considering, researching, and developing with limited freshwater resources.
The ocean is essentially unlimited and available just off shore.
If LA is to be rebuilt, now would be the time to consider such an endeavor.
Since The Governor “Hair Gell Boy” blew up four dams to divert fresh water from Northern California to the Ocean vs. to Southern California.
I don’t know about the practical applications of using off shore seawater is to firefighting use inland into LA is.
That might be a massive hydraulic engineering challenge that has not obviously been done, or it would have been tapped for this apocalyptic catastrophe.
If seawater is used to backfill empty reservoirs and pumped into the existing waterlines to LA it would contaminate the drinking water.
Fire Hydrants usually run off freshwater mains.
A whole new segregated water supply system infrastructure to supply seawater to hydrants would have to be built.
Seawater is drawen by fire boats to fight shore fires so, some technology has already been developed to filter the seawater to be pumped without clogging the lines supplying the deck gun monitors spraying or streaming that water onto fires.