New Shooters: After Your Concealed Carry Class

You’ve passed your required concealed carry training, done all of the required paperwork, and are patiently waiting for your permit to come in the mail. Completing the class was the end of your required training, but does that mean you’re done training?

Shooting, as with all physical activities, is a perishable skill. Use it or lose it. But what should you train? How can you train more with the ammo shortage? Can you train at home for convenience and to save some money?

There are numerous skills you can work on at home – from dry fire training to drawing from a holster. And other skills that you need to be on the range for – recoil management and accuracy.

What skills are you working on right now?

Those of you who’ve shot a lot, what range drills or home drills do you recommend?


I shoot a lot. Attend classes whenever they are available. These days, I’d say I’m on level of 600 - 700 live rds per month and 15 -30 min of dry firing each day.
Shooting at the range line and making holes in the paper is minimized… It doesn’t give any improvement. The same can be done at home. Recoil and follow up shots can be train during class under instructor’s supervision.
Then follow up shots can be practice at home without recoil.

The most important in whole process is mastering your grip. If you find your grip prefect, repeatable and consistent you can easily learn how to shoot effectively.

(You can drive your car with two fingers on the steering wheel, but you win the race only controlling it with two hands. Controlling, not keeping)


I don’t shoot anywhere near as much as I had planned beginning 18 months ago. There is a nice range nearby, but ammo is either expensive, scarce, or both. When I am able to get to the range, I practice accuracy. When I reach a certain (future) level of accuracy, I will work on speed. Slow is smooth; smooth is fast.

I’m looking forward to taking more classes later this year.


I have a few years on me and I like to have a plan when I go shooting. It will usually involve weak hand shooting and strong hand shooting. There are times I work on speed and accuracy. After my training, I put up a torso target and see how my training has helped. Another thing I do is when I do a drill I keep the target. Then the next time I perform that frill I can compare the targets and see my improvements.

At home with my SIRT laser, I practice my draw from concealment. I also practice my trigger control. I use four stick em pads of paper 3X3 inches and practice target acquisition. I also practice getting off the X at home. I walk around and draw and shoot at a target,( SIRT laser) while still moving. Girlfriend doesn’t mind the targets set up in the house.( She’s a keeper!)

There are a lot of drills out there that really help. Do not focus all on one drill. Find out where you are weak and work on that weakness. Improving your weakness will make you stronger all together. Working on my weak hand shooting has improved my both hands shooting.

Take time to train and have fun doing it. Practice safely and practice frequently!


This month’s training has been turning, drawing, and firing two rounds on target at 7 yards out with a heart rate between 120 and 140 bpm. It’s way harder than it looks. (We are lucky to have a range where we can practice this.)

Last month was side-stepping laterally between two cover points and firing the failure drill on the move in between.

EDIT: I think every new CCW holder would benefit from a class that teaches getting into and shooting from non-traditional positions such as kneeling or prone or from retention, as well as low-light/no-light shooting. Those are practical skills that will save your life someday if you are comfortable using them and you practice them regularly.

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Many of you guys train like you’re about to be deployed in a war zone as special forces. It’s great you can afford it but it’s not necessary to fire so many rounds per month. But I know you also like shooting. But Newfie’s need to realize it’s not necessary to shoot that much. 100 rounds per month is adequate. 200 is ideal. But 600 to 700 is just blowing your money like at a Casino. High Rollers! :rofl:


Hope for the best , but prepare for the worst

700 rds mean 70 stopped treats with 10 holes in each one :wink:
But seriously, if I see I can put 600 of 700 rds in the center mass from any defensive distance, I know I’ll do 100% with 4 or 5 when needed.
What scares me the most - I cannot miss in self-defense. One miss may equal jail time…
I just feel relaxed and comfortably when bad times come.
Me, my wife and kids live easy life knowing we are not defenceless.
Proficiency is the key. I don’t carry 5 different tools. One is good if you know how to use it. :slightly_smiling_face:

But… it’s just me… new shooters - work on good grip. :+1:


I spend about half an hour each day rotating through the following exercises under dry-fire conditions with the basics:

Drawing from concealment and bringing sights on target
Reload/Tap-Roll-Rack drills
Two-handed dry-fire
One-handed dry-fire (offhand)
One-handed dry-fire (strong hand)

I do about 10 reps each and aside from starting with drawing from concealment, I mix up the order. Every other day I also work in movement as well. I have a couple paper targets in the unfinished area of the basement and shift between targets during each exercise.


Completing the permit application process is just the beginning. So much more is needed to be a competent and safe gun owner.
There are TONS of online training opportunities including free and paid videos and guides, with many valuable resources right here on the USCCA site!


I drill at home with snap caps much more often than I used to before this covid crap. I use a tactical range (LONESTAR HANDGUN, Converse, Tx.) for about 8 years. It’s fantastic. I can have a private area for almost any drill that I choose. The owners are former Army Rangers & the range masters are great. The more I got to know everyone, the better the entire experience was. I was on some regional Navy pistol teams & thought that I knew as much as most of them did about all aspects of handgun training. Boy, was I wrong. After a few of their defensive handgun classes, I realized how little I knew about different training methods. I’m 65 years old & in good health. There is always more to learn. It never stops. I will enjoy it until die. Thank you to all USCCA members for your ongoing insights & knowlege. I love this forum

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