Network colluded with Harris campaign at Debate


Hell, that was obvious to the thinking person in the first 5 minutes and only became more so as this fiasco continued. She is completely unable to string together thoughts on her own and express them in a coherent manner without getting irretrievably mush-mouthed. We have nearly 4 years of proof that this is true.


That why I shut it within the first few minutes; realizing that the ā€œmoderatorā€ were biased.


Why has this not be a major issue on the networks? I think we know why.


Because they are all in collusion with the Deep State and itā€™s Dark Money to eliminate any opposition to their globalist agenda policies, agenda, or narrative.

Sacred of We the People, and to protect the tyrannical regime of elitists from any chance of being dethroned.

I owe you another LIKE :+1:, as I am again at my newbie limit.

They apparently donā€™t think that I should be so appreciative of this community as I am.


Hope weā€™re not surprised! They are going to create a maximum amount of chaos in order to win this ā€œelectionā€!
Perhaps this time we should take the bait! Donā€™t know bout yā€™all, but Iā€™m hungry for freedom!
Seriously considering suing this administration for all my losses and the grief they caused! Possibly a class action lawsuit. I know a few million people, I just need a ballsy lawyer!


Ballzy hungry attorneys abound.

Finding the right one, or firm might be the trick.

You can add me and mine want our reparations for damage done too!


The sad part is that the we live in a country that believes in honest news reporting and that the news media were suppose to be the guardians of that.


Another miserable failure like our:
1-White House
2-Both houses of Congress
3-DHS w/CBP at the boarder, and USSS protection of the RNC candidate for POTUS, and
4-Their Propaganda Machine Media cronies

The Deep Stateā€™s Dark Money seems to be all powerful in achieving their globalist agenda objectives without much hindrance.

Thanks to George & Alex Soros, and the likes of the other Dark Money donors who have corrupted all of the above.


Out of idle curiosity, do you know who is pushing all of this into us. I do itā€™s truly funny in a very cynical way because they are using the market forces of our Capitalist Free Market to do it. Itā€™s brilliant in a messed up way. Itā€™s

ā€œBlack Rock, State Street, and Vanguardā€ with right about 80% of the markets. Stop and think about it for a second. 80% of everything with very little oversight. The Progressive agenda folds if they werenā€™t there to push it and control it. Itā€™s a scary story when you do a deep dive on it. Once you battle through all of the obfuscation and get down to the nitty gritty there they are at the center of it.

Itā€™s not an imaginary danger, itā€™s not a Conspiracy, itā€™s right there. If you have the energy and ability to dig it up. Being a former Forensic Accountant, and having the training and mindset to look for the ties that bind helps.


ā€˜GOD SAVE THE QUEEN MAN!ā€™ -Joe. Pudding
(whoā€™d have ever thought heā€™d have the last laugh on us?)

So sad, I can hear Nero tuning up his fiddle right now
If anyone took the time to search, due their research, come up with concrete info, names, dates, EVIDENCE etc. 55=65% of the Country wouldnā€™t believe you for the mere fact that you ā€˜may beā€™ a MAGA/Republican, White Supremist, White Nationalist whatever.
The dumbing down of America/Americans is Complete.
50% of the people now BELIEVE this Mass Immigration/Invasion is a ā€˜Good thing for Americaā€™
Trump CREATED his own Assassination attempts! He either CAUSED it with his rhetoric or Paid for the attempts to garner sympathy.
Climate Change is REAL
Total Gun confiscation should happen to REDUCE CRIME.
Kamala Harris is a Rocket Scientist
and Jesus/God is a figment of peopleā€™s imagination.


Thanks. I did not know that specifically. But, I am aware that George Soros has heavily invested in media market outlets buying up Newspaper syndicates, and radio networks generally. I donā€™t know exactly what share of the TV market.

He is no dope, having graduated from the London School of Economics with a PhD. Itā€™s just that he puts his understanding of the economy to evil destructive use to support his globalist agenda.

He has also invested heavily in Open Borders front groups, and funds that he not only pored $Billions of dollars into but, created from scratch.

So, I would not be the least bit surprised if he had his meathooks Into this monster conglomerate as he is a master manipulator.

He has long had access to the top tier Democratic Party elected officialsWhite House, Congress and Municipalities including : TheProsecutors that not only changed the criminal landscape of those cities, but waged lawfare againstTrump .

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The passive index fund industry is dominated by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street , which we call the ā€œBig Three.ā€ We comprehensively map the ownership of the Big Three in the United States and find that together they constitute the largest shareholder in 88 percent of the S&P 500 firms.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): As of July 2022, BlackRock had over 32% of the market share for ETFs in the United States, based on assets under management. In February 2024, BlackRock accounted for 29.4% of the equity ETF market, while Vanguard had 30.1% and State Street had 14.8%.

ā€œBlackRockā€™s Aladdin program uses machine learning to calculate trades across every asset class and industry. Aladdin executes an average of 250,000 trades per day.ā€

Black Rocks primary owners, any guesses? Anybody?

Vanguard and State Street. Using the Almighty $$ & Capitalism augmented by the power of AI to push Socialism. Itā€™s freaking brilliant, evil but brilliant IMHO.

How much oversight do you think they have? 0. They are using our own system against us.

If you look back at the failed assassination attempt by Thomas Crooks. Thereā€™s a connection. Coincidence? Sure, it could be. NFC. But Iā€™m getting cynical in my old age, especially, when coincidences keep piling up, as is the case of the failed assassination of former President Trump. Whatā€™s that saying? ā€œFollow the moneyā€

Edit: Added last 2 paragraph breaks.


So what? Write a big enough check, come from an ā€˜importantā€™ enough family, and just about any institution will print you out a PhD. In my experience with holders of PhDā€™s, the degree doesnā€™t mean all that much regarding day-to-day life. The degree MAY demonstrate that the holder has a certain amount of expertise within a stated subject, but even that isnā€™t true about the holders in general.

The road to Hell is paved with PhDs, with the ones from Ivy League leading the way.


Iā€™m just saying he is a determined hatter of America and the free world. That London School of Economics, is not a rubber stamp mill either, he knows how to manipulate the systems against us, and amassed a high wealth fortune of $Billions to weaponize against us, and uses it as such freely and regularly. I donā€™t admire him, I despise him as he was tied to financing BLM and Antifa in the lead up to the 2020 election and is again doing that. I identify him as our #1 Enemy of America :us:. He also funded many of the District Attorneys / Prosecutors like Alvin Bragg of NYC who has led that parade of Law-fare against Trump.

File that under knowing your enemy.

Otherwise, a lot of supposedly educated people have no common sense. As in B.S. = :ox::poop:, M.S. = More :poop:, and Ph. D. Piled higher and Deeper.

PhDā€™s in STEM related fields are culminating years of education usually a fair amount of research and teaching. As well as PhDā€™s in fields that require additional professional certifications. Not all PhDā€™s are created equal.

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