“We The People” vs The Democratic Party DNC

The Democrats have wasted approximately 40 million dollars on the Russia Collusion hoax, that the Democrats and Fake News pushed their lying tactics on the American People.
Of course, the political theater took over Washington once again with wall-to-wall coverage from the left’s usual media allies. It was yet another week completely wasted for Congress, who has real work to do keeping its promises to American voters.
instead, Congressional Democrats chose to dedicate their time to yet another political circus hearing, this time about a “whistleblower” report.
The Democrats (DNC) knows they can’t beat President Trump in 2020 so now their tactics is to impeach him. The Democrats are just wasting more time and our money with their lying tactics. It’s time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to put our foot down and make the Democrats accountable for purposely lying to the American People. My opinion, we need to sue The Democratic’s (DNC) 40 million Dollars plus time and money the Congress is wasting now for all the “Witch Hunts”… What do you think about a Law Suit vs the DNC?


It would not go anywhere, suing this entity would be akin to suing the Nash or Packard automobile manufacturing Co. or suing a dead person. Our only hope is at the next election to vote straight party republican, but am not here trying to influence anybody’s opinion.

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The Democrats need to reread or read the U.S. CONSTITUTION. And they need to read ARTICLE II SECTION 4 OF IT. Because ARTICLE II spells out what the duties of the PRESIDENT are and what he is ALLOWED TO DO BY LAW. And SECTION 4 tells what the PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT CAN BE IMPEACHED FOR. And so far from all that I’ve seen the only thing that President Trump has done is he WON THE ELECTION. And the democrats thought that they had it in the bag. And are MAD THAT THEY LOST IT. And they’ve been trying to get rid of President Trump BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE. Well it is time to vote ALL DEMOCRATS OUT OF OFFICE IN 2020.


I agree with everything Reloader is saying. The 2nd, in fact the entire constutution is under attack by the socialist Democrats. I’m not a single issue voter and I do believe that good people can disagree. I just don’t believe there are any good people in that despicable party. Sorry if that upsets anyone but , in case ya missed it, we’re in a cold civil war right now.


Packard, I am impressed, “Ask the Man who owns one”… :slight_smile:

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I think the government should be required to pay the legal fees for anyone they have testify or interview. The tactic of financially ruining their political enemies by forcing them to testify before congress or special council is outrageous.

