Make sure you enter the "Gun a Day" sweepstakes every other month. I did and

Hello Dawn…I clicked the link and it sent me to the “enter to win” link on my account. I don’t know if it is for any current promotions or not, but it seemed to work.
I might have signed up to give away my firstborn child…LOL…
Thank you from all of us…:slight_smile:

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Fingers crossed for all of you!

The contest rules for any contest will always have the entry link for you too. :slight_smile:


A lot of the time dont know when theUSCCA is having them


OK @Dawn where do these sometimes humorous contest rules live? I have crawled all over the dashboard and have failed to find them. In the absence of a current contest where would I look to find out if there is one?




The contest rules are linked on contest pages. I don’t think we have a contest going on right now. :thinking:

@Mike19, you might have to check your spam email filter for our contest emails. Or give us a call to make sure you’re getting those emails.


Hello Craig6, The next contest should start on October 1st then run through the month. Then every other month thereafter. When you get your E-mail for the contest, go to the “rules”, then laugh at them Amigo!
(They are pretty funny.)
Usually around #5 or #6 there is a Blue thing to click on that takes you to the sign in site that makes it very easy for members to sign in. (I’m pretty sure the “Blue thing” is a technical term…LOL…)
So keep your eyes peeled for the E-mail in October from Tim Schmitt, and Win something BIG! :slight_smile:


Ok Thanks Dawn I will check to see if they end up in my spam