Daily Drawing Winner

I finally am getting to report this. Back in June of last year I was the winner of one of the gun drawings and received a check for over $800. I was totally shocked, I’ve never won anything like that. And very thankful to USCCA for the opportunity to win.

I hadn’t said anything because at the time I went to purchase a handgun from these winnings everything went to hell and it was next to impossible to purchase a gun. I went to my local FFL and tried to purchase a Ruger LCP II w/laser as that is what I’ve been wanting to add to my arsenal for those times when a larger weapon is not easily carried. They were just not available and haven’t been even to now.

I finally decided to look at other .380 weapons at my FFL and I settled on a Sig P238. They had one in stock and I bought it. I am left handed so I promptly sent it to Sig to have them install an ambidextrous safety which they did with remarkable speed. It took only about a week and a half to ship it, modify it, ship it back. Wow!

Anyway I just wanted to say that I am grateful to USCCA for the opportunity to win a new firearm. Now if I could just get ammo at reasonable price I’d be all set! :smile:

I was able to get .380 from Freedom Munitions though the price was more than I would havbe like but, what are you going to do!


Congrats! Carry on!




Congratulations @Kevin10 :+1: :+1:

Congrats. The P238 is a winner for backup or pocket carry. Can’t beat SIG



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Welcome to the family brother @Thomas296 and God bless you and thank you.

Congrats, I could be the only one entered and still not win! :sunglasses::grin:


Well, you’re lucky…enough.

But my wife, also USCCA member, has won two USCCA give aways. I wish Las Vegas was closer to Houston. I"d have her at a roulette table 12 hours a day.

Oh, loving USCCA.


Same here, LOL I have no good luck. Never have and accepted never will. But am happy for everyone who does have good luck.

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BIG Welcome!

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