Majority of American households own guns

Not That Funny @N_Kevin , When My dad died he had two custom Trap Guns. One was a Perazzi and one was a Ljutic. They were both customized to fit him, he was a Pro Trap Shooter. My mother got a call from “a guy at the gun club” asking what she was going to do with dads trap guns and mad her a very skinny offer, like $1,000.00 for the pair. Fortunately my son got wind of the deal and stepped in and stopped her from selling them.


“a guy at the gun club” Yeah! There always seem to be parasites popping up when there is a family tragedy.


Makes me proud and now I want to increase that gap…


And many times they are just other family members. When my mother-in-law died, one of my wife’s sisters stole a bunch of stuff from the house her mother was living in. Unfortunately for us, the home belonged to my wife and a lot of the stuff she stole was ours. And some of the stuff didn’t even have intrinsic nor extrinsic value, like one of my bottle openers that I liked and used when we ate there every Sunday. I was like, WTF, she doesn’t even drink wine, WTF would she steal that?


I’ve had some relatives do that before, the body wasn’t even cold yet and you would have thought it was a fire sale


I just get pissed when I think about what my P.O.S. older brother did after my dad died.


My father’s older brother screwed over the family as well. Volunteered to deal with taking care of everything after my grandparents died. Wouldn’t let anyone in their house then told everyone he had to sell everything to take care of all the hospital and other bills and that there was nothing left over.

A year latter he built himself a fancy huge new house with a big in ground swimming pool in an expensive neighborhood.


There’s always one little tyrant in every family when it comes to inheritance. Anyone out there ever vacationed to NM, and visited Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument? Imagine owning a piece of the rock bordering it (HINT :wink: ) xxx amount of acres and bickering over it. Google: Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument in New Mexico.


“And maybe we should try to be a little more welcoming to firearm owners with left leaning views so they can feel comfortable joining in on the discussion? There seem to be a lot of people on the left who could benefit from the topics we discuss here.”

Left leaning 2a guy here. I second this.
There are actually a lot of us, and more since Covid demonstrated weaknesses in supply chains and revealed a lot about how crazy people could be when stressed. Left leaning demographics “asians”, suburban women, and women generally, bought guns in record numbers. It would certainly be helpful to make common cause with my demographic if there were less demonization of left leaning folks with things like “demo-RAT” and the bazillion other smears I see on this site daily.
Many of us that is to say left leaning 2a folks write to our representatives and urge them to drop their stances on firearms. I know I send letters to my representatives, and argue for a different approach to firearms with intellectual co-travelers and friends weekly if not daily.
Sadly this forum isn’t great for friendly disagreement. I’ve been lightly accused of being a “Soros-paid troll,” “a bot,” “a non-member anti-gun lurker collecting intelligence.” This despite the fact I’ve been pretty polite in when I disagree with folks on this forum.
I sort of like an argument and don’t really mind being piled on, but I can absolutely tell you that most people actually don’t like that and the tone here almost certainly damages bridge building with liberal 2a supporters. And liberal 2a allies would really help the cause. I think a lot of don’t speak up on fora like this because it is actually pretty hostile.


I tend to agree with you on most of that, I will however suggest the pendulum swings both ways. I’ve been called a MAGAt, “Love my guns more than I love life” “Gun tooting Redneck” “Guys with big guns have small ‘richards’” " and worse on MSNBC, CNN and other left leaning news sights I occasionally post on. Americans Should agree , an Unarmed Population is a vulnerable population and a Government that disarms it’s own constituents in the name of safety simply can not be trusted. Unfortunately politics have devolved to a state of You vs Me, no middle ground.


I agree that the political language on both sides just shuts down the conversation and intentionally demonizes the other side. That is how propaganda works. If you can dehumanize the other side then you can justify treating them inhumanly. The language is intentionally designed to keep the sides divided instead of bringing people together. Divide and concur is the name of the game and we are all on the losing side.

I personally dislike pretty much all the politicians on the left and the right. They are dividing the country to further their personal agendas. But I have many friends and family who consider themselves Republicans and many who consider themselves Democrats. Some things they will never agree on but if they could ever have a discussion without all the political BS and trigger words they would see they agree on a whole lot more than they disagree on.


Indeed. I have grasped the brown end of that stick many times on this forum. Realize that many people are just too dumb to simply ignore posts they disagree with, too dumb to engage in civil discourse and/or too dumb to block the sender. They are not worth worrying about, 'cause they won’t change anything with their views.

As the saying goes … “Never try to teach a pig to sing. You’ll only get frustrated and annoy the pig.”


I worked for/with a guy for years, he, a Far Left Thinker, Me a Right Winger. He at one time was my bosses boss. He would get so P.O.'d that he’d stomp off and slam his door when we would talk politics. Later in life we figures something out. We actually Agreed on what the challenges/problems were, what we disagreed on was how to fix them. He was all about the government fixing stuff, Me, I wanted less Government involvement in everything


I find this impossible to believe, based on what states do/do not register firearms. For example, not one person in my entire family has a single registered firearm. The only registered firearms I have are NFA.

Do you have a link or source for this?

I ask because I think it is critically important to recognize and accurately communicate exactly how rare “registration” is and how the vast majority of firearms owned by the vast majority of people in the US are not registered.

When people think guns are already registered, they won’t think twice about passing laws that require registration


I believe the number was extrapolated from manufacturers production and sales data. Pop this into your search engine: “number of registered firearms in the us”. If you didn’t like 365M you are really not going to like these figures.

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No disagreement there. Too many people on either side of the aisle are ready to hurl unfair, and in fact, counter productive epithets. I tend to assume good faith and decency until some evidence drops that reveals those assumptions can be and should be rejected.

Arguing with a fool shows that there are two


This is left leaning

…and this is the current state of the left leaning.

Have the left leaning embraced the 2A and the rest of the constitution or is the left “leaning” just scared to death of the socialist nation we’ve become.
It all works out til the money runs out!
The women out there BETTER be scared to death, and it ain’t the MAGA she needs to fear! Illegals that can’t be tracked, traced or even found in our system are the real danger. The left allowed them to invade. Arsonist/Firefighters.

The left leaning gave away the country, shamed the office of the Presidency, and aided and abetted ALL our enemies.
I will NEVER respect that! There’s an extreme amount of blood on the LEFTS hands.
The left WILL pay for that destruction, one way or another!

BRIDGE BUILDING, please don’t make me laugh, the left TORE and BURNED down ALL the bridges! Not to mention SHREDDED the Constitution! You want to build bridges, speak truth!
What was it really about Trump that gave the left the psychopathy that lingers longer than a COVID vaccine? I have to say comfort for me was a decent paycheck, gas at $1.89 and eggs @ $.99, not $6.00. Speak truth!
The LEFT has trained me well, I love Fentynal deaths, I love straddling dead bodies in the street, I love killing babies! Is that what the left LEANING stands for, while waiting in line to purchase your ammo?
TRUTH! Trump didn’t do a goddamn thing to hurt the American people! He wanted us safe and prosperous, this left leaning ARSONIST/FIREFIGHTER is a LIAR and an insult to the human condition!

As far as I’m concerned the left loves death, and hates making money and living safe and well! I have a bridge…


I’ve argued for years that Dems would have a lot more converts to their ballots in red states if they dropped the anti-gun policy chatter. There are a lot of Democratic policies liked on both sides of the aisle but a lot of people I know who vote conservative do so primarily on 2a grounds. Not everyone mind you. But a lot.


Prove to me we can TRUST the left with a firearm! Can you say Hunter Biden ( false info on 4473, tossed a gun in a PUBLIC trash bin ) Alec Baldwin who GOT AWAY WITH MURDER :question:
When the LEFT starts standing for the NATIONAL ANTHEM and this country maybe I put my faith back in a slightly LEFT leaning gun owner.
Until then, it needs to be earned!