Let it Be

History is littered with the atrocities of war. Nowadays however we are littered with the atrocities of Leftism. Dunno what’s with Rep. Jayapal but she just refuses to admit that Hamas is to blame for all of what’s happening in the middle east. Is she blind to the videos taken by Hamas themselves? Yes, Israel has been equally as brutal but has tempered it with logic and a determination for self-defense. I’m totally against war but let it be said that if you are viciously attacked the only sane course of action is war however unfortunate that is.


Well said Jake.
The only way to explain the actions of the EXTREME FAR LEFT is they have NO MORAL COMPASS.
Their views on the Atrocities the TERRORISTS displayed against unarmed (Men, Women and children)
and yet they still feel that Hamas is the real victim is just sad and EVIL.
These SMUG POS’S back a TERRORIST ORGINAZATION rather than a Country that is trying to survive
the onslaught of a Fanatical MUSLIM Sect bent on Destroying them, because as their ‘Leaders’ evoke
Their God and only their God allows the faithful to exist. Jihad to ALL, DEATH to all Unbelievers!
Paradise awaits! and these fools think they will be spared!
The ‘Squad’ is a TERRORIST Group in itself bent on destroying these United States of America and turn it into a 3rd World $hit Hole.
Socialism is a DISEASE that needs to be Eradicated.
It INFECTS and destroys all people except the Powerful and ‘Anointed’ ones who feel they know the best for everyone as long as they keep their positions of power.




If they act up here I will gladly send a few more off to meet their false God.


Did AOC and this other Creature know EXACTLY where the camera’s were?
Feigning Compassion and then going back to Destruction Central and voting to waste Israel and fund Hamas… You phony, Evil Beeeeeeeeeeeeotch!
We have TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS in our Wheelhouse right now!


No step on Snek!


One of my main complaints about identity politics is that it really cannot help but to do exactly what Jayapal says she doesn’t want to do, create, “hierarchies of oppression.” Identity politics also creates imaginary identitarian monoliths. Framing everything through the lens of identity politics does create an illusion of groups that have general opinions and positions about things.

We’ve become the sheep!

Friedrich Nietzsche - Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster .

I’m throwing the BS flag on that statement. Time to go all out barbaric! Lest we remain, sheep! Obviously, We the People, doesn’t mean sh#t anymore!

There is NO debate here! I can hardly handle my own gear, but I would give anything to get on a plane and join the fight!

@Karacal if anything is to be flagged or banned, it’s her face in front of an AMERICAN FLAG, that’s just sick!

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I get it. About a week into the war I wrote the Israeli Consulate in DC and offered to volunteer/help however I could. They wrote back and said right now they are only asking for Doctors, they are not in need of the Diaspora at this time, but would put my name on their list should things change.


A couple of weeks ago I pledged a mitzvah (good deed) to be strong and courageous in unity with Israel. I find my strength and courage in love for all people. I will not harden my heart toward Hamas. They are trying to get to heaven by destroying life on earth. The sooner we get them there the better it will be for all.


“Some people did something” in 10…9…8…


I’m all for limiting the number of innocent people killed in war. But when the evil that started this crap uses its own people as shields I have no pity for the people that voted them in. Yes it sucks to have to be like that but when your enemy has no compassion for their own, neither can you. Hamas knows full well what they are doing and have no shame in doing it. There should be no shame when you strike back and those innocent people are killed. The world should unite against Hamas using this tactic and take them out all the quicker.


Wow, a rare time that we completely agree. So pass me some ham on us. I am non-religious, so I can eat for both of us. :sunglasses:


You’re seriously testing my patience :exclamation:

Two can play this game, meet your new president :angry:


When someone says they will exterminate you - believe it.

(advice given to the Harvard students)



We should turn ‘The gaza Strip’
into the ‘Angel of death’ landing Strip!
Humas and Eggs anyone?

No step ona snek


Or re-enact the surfing scene in " Apocalypse Now". :rofl:


I like a long board

In the movie, Robert Duvall’s board was supposed to be 8’6". Is that not a long board?

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If I remember correct. In 1970 it was a short board shortly after that it was a long board.
Now that I think about it probably became a longboard around 68.