If after trying all attempts at avoidance, I still end up in a conversation, one thing I learned from an actual incident I saw involving a female cop was to create distance by telling the other guy in no uncertain terms to,
“Back off! That’s close enough!”
If they didn’t like my tone, well, I didn’t start the conversation.
I’ve seen this being taught in a few of the videos I watched. They all end up saying eventually you will need to defend yourself if the other person doesn’t listen to you. There are enough videos of ppl out there that don’t listen and you have to defend yourself. Best to make up your mind now as to what that distance is and if you want to go through the grinder over it.
If someone sprays and immediately runs away before the victim can respond then the incident is over. But spraying someone is assault and a reasonable person should assume their life is in danger and not just stand there hoping it turns out to be someone who just felt like bear spraying an innocent stranger for kicks.
I don’t see how I can shoot what I can’t see. That breaks one or more of those rules we had to memorize as kids before dad would let us pick up a gun.
If I can’t see to use the gun safely, I wouldn’t pull it out either.
I would likely attempt a tactical retreat. Create space. Find a barrier. Cause a commotion to attract attention of others who are probably doing nothing but recording it on their cell phone anyway. Scream something like “call the police! This man attacked me!
That’s why I also carry OC spray. If I can’t see any visual signs of danger, I go for the OC. If I can see what appears to be something that can be used against me, I have something for that too.
I use my off hand to peel an eye open and based on what I see, take action from there. (as I did when sprayed nearly point blank with eyes full of pepper spray in training)
For you guys that were in the military and did the gas chamber, a question. Does pepper spray hurt or debilitate one more than CS gas does or is it about the same?
The gas chamber is just an experience of gas. The direct spray to the face is more debilitating and painful. If not cleaned properly you will have a few days of torture and pain. Especially when it works its way to your groins.
Similar to being gassed in boot camp training!
There’s no practice or books to study to stop the effects!
When I did this, the room was darkened and you had to state your name, rank and SSN after removing your mask. Then find the door to escape. I was a smoker at the time, so I think that helped.
Choked to death but never puked!
Every time I see one of these on reality shows or documentary shows I just have to laugh my ass off!
I’ve been through the old tear gas, CS, and OC. None are fun. What effected me the most was CS but it also the easiest to get off you. Get out of the CS gas cloud, run around and flap your arms and it comes off you. I don’t think that is true with OC. Last time I was hit with OC in training, I had to take a shower to get it off.
Rules of deadly force, if an attacker stops attacking, you can’t fight back. So if he just sprayed bear spray and laughed it off as you’re in agony, the best thing to do is head back inside and get somebody to call the police.
If you shoot someone, you think you may have a legitimate reason, but others looking at the totality of the circumstances may disagree, and those judging you may have never been sprayed by bear spray so they’re uninformed.
There’s a line inbetween defending yourself and retaliation. This would be retaliation and the prosecutor will try their best to get you to admit it.