I am not trying to start any crap but I am currious as I am still seeing his face on a bunch of USCCA adds in Youtube. These are not old videos but recent ones less than a day. I know it will take some time to purge him.
Unable to verify with 100% certainty, but this does appear to be accurate. From a couple of quick reads, it sounds like Tim Kennedy and the USCCA found some disagreements they had with 2A rights, topics and the general direction that laws/requirements around the 2A should head were irreconcilable.
Tim probably couldn’t get the red flag support from USCCA …just guessing though
Indeed, among other disagreements.
Does it matter who gets agreement with whom? I don’t think so.
Tim Kennedy was talking about USCCA a lot … but it never change my thoughts about USCCA…
Andrew Branca, the attorney I’ve been admiring for a long time, was with USCCA, I got his book printed by USCCA…
Two months ago I shoot with Mr. Branca on the same training sessions and I’m pretty sure he is with CCW Safe now…
Does it change anything? I don’t think so…
Big names show wherever money is better… I’m doing the same… however my name is not a big one…
In 2024, Tim Kennedy was a paid influencer for the USCCA. In 2025 that relationship has not been extended.
It iooks like he is being purged from the gun community.ie FN,Staccato and now USCCA.