Is it legal to carry a concealed firearm into a bank?

Is it legal to carry a concealed firearm into a bank? To my knowledge, Wyoming is the only state to have laws prohibiting carrying a firearm . I have only been carrying a little over a year now and haven’t been able to find any laws at least in NC that states that you can or can’t carry inside a bank. Personally I don’t just for general purpose

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I would think it is ok as long as it stays hidden out the public’s eye for everyone’s safety in public.

As long as its not posted I can carry in banks with the only exception of credit unions.

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In TX, banks and credit unions are not listed as prohibited places to carry a handgun, Texas Penal Code 46.03 and 46.035. They must post notices that follow PC Sec. 30.06 and 30.07, depending on prohibition of concealed carry and open carry.

In MI, they are listed as depository financial institutions or subsidiaries and affiliates (MI Ch. 37, Sec. 750.234d(1)(a)). However, an exception is listed in Sec. 750.234d(2)© which states “(2)This section doesn’t apply to any of the following: © A person licensed by this state or another state to carry a concealed weapon.” And they aren’t listed in Sec. 28.425o, which lists properties on which carrying of a concealed pistol is illegal.

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Also in Michigan signs don’t carry the force of law. Best they can do is ask you to leave and have you charged with trespassing if you don’t.

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Kentucky has no law prohibiting carrying in a bank and banks in Louisville that once had no gun signs no longer do.


Yes, you can carry a firearm into a bank, I do it all the time. But I don’t open carry. Also I live in Indiana. I can’t tell you about your state.

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In IL banks are not, by definition, gun free zones. So if there is no gunfreezone , you are OK to carry a concealed firearm into a bank.

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In KY I both OC and CC in banks all the time. I will say though that I have been banking at the same location for over 20 years and know everyone inside. A few branches do have the double front doors that check for metal, but I don’t go to those. I really don’t like Target Rich Environments, oh, sorry. I mean Gun Free Zones.

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No sign, I’m carrying mine!


Montana… you can OC into a bank, however you cannot conceal. We have some odd ones here. Same with an establishments that serve alcohol (OC ok, CC not). Someday we will get it all corrected.


It’s legal in North Carolina :+1:

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@Gerry, it depends on the state and the bank. Here’s a link to our handy-dandy reciprocity and gun laws map:

Be sure to check if the No Guns sign has the weight of the law behind it as well.

Glad to have you in the Community! Great question!

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July 25
In KY I both OC and CC in banks all the time. I will say though that I have been banking at the same location for over 20 years and know everyone inside. A few branches do have the double front doors that check for metal, but I don’t go to those. I really don’t like Target Rich Environments, oh, sorry. I mean Gun Free Zones.


I hope so as I do it weekly

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No bank restriction in Missouri.

There are no federal regulations as to carrying into any bank other than perhaps the Federal Reserve Branch banks.

Check your state laws but I don’t know of any states where it is expressly forbidden by law.

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Kind of funny here. My bank is a small branch and corporate policy is that both OC and CC are forbidden and they have up the correct signage but they actually welcome me carrying in spite of HQ policy.

Gotta love small towns!

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