How will a war in Europe affect you 2.0?

Well, I minored in Russian Culture, for whatever that’s worth but your accusation of my acting like a socialist democrat is insulting.
Those " little regions" are two of many little regions that ended up on the wrong side of borders through out the former USSR.
Are you also familiar with Artsakh and Nagorno- Karabakh? Is it a problem that can be resolved? I don’t know, but you haven’t offered a solution so I’ll assume you don’t know either.

From a distance it does seems like a political jockeying between National Socialism and Globalism to be top dog, but maybe not. I’m ignorant of obscure political intrigues,
But the suffering of people in Ukraine, both the Ukrainians and the Russians, is real.
It is not an entire fabrication as you purport.
Putin is a tyrant, that is uncontestable,
As far as the corruption in the Biden government goes I am in total agreement with you, as is the importance of protecting our own Southern border.

Here’s the middle ground between us.

I do know about that region, and I know about the Artsakh, Nagorno-Karabakh, and know that region’s history going back to the time of the Khazarite Empire. That region has been and always will be in a state of violence. Can it be resolved? Not by us. We are outsiders and while we may have an easier time seeing solutions, we are still outsiders. I never at any point said that the Russian or Ukrainian people were not suffering. They are suffering just as much as any people caught in a civil war, and for the last 8 years, our country did absolutely nothing except collect 10 percent for the big guy and enrich a lot of democrat politicians. I am ashamed that my government, the one in 2014, that told Medvedev they’d have “More Flexibility” in their second term to let Russia invade the Crimea. So this argument that we need to do something, is moot, when you look at who allowed it and why.

The only thing that we here in the west should be doing is focusing on getting our own house in order, getting rid of our corrupt rulers and then after we have a better example for the world, then maybe start helping people solve their problems.

The people of Ukraine are a tough people. This is nothing new to them. They will either live or die as Ukrainians defending their homeland. The Russians are doing what is called a Cauldron movement in order to get as many civilians out of the theater of operations. They know how this looks. This does not have a happy ending. Nothing like this ever does, and I should take a moment to apologize for insinuating you were a socialist democrat. That was pretty heinous and I apologize. Nobody should be compared to the ghouls like Nancy Pelosi.

At any rate, I am going to have to apparently switch my drink of choice to some Ukrainian brand of vodka since Total Whiners and every other liquor store removed their stock of Russian Standard. So much for my birthday… Communists ruin everything.


This doesn’t sound ominous at all…

This advisory been up since day or two after the start of hostilities, before all air traffic was cancelled.

Way to keep Overton window open!
Since this is a forum with accent on self-defence and self-preservation, it makes sense to point out how important good manners are, including between nations.


Everybody is probably going to land somewhere…


The Ukraine is still the region’s breadbasket - you can’t help but sympathize with their people. I’m waiting for another criminal element to accompany refugees, and the Chicoms to finally make a grab for Taiwan - the Chinese are constantly probing for our weaknesses. I’ll refer you to George Santayana’s most famous quote.


There are no “free” lunches. Someone always pays. That stands for everything including hospitals/healthcare. We are deeply in debt. Our grandchildren will suffer severely when this house of cards comes tumbling down. We can not maintain our deficit and maintain our country.

Most of what the Federal government spends is unconstitutional. If it is not specifically granted to the Fed’s, than it belongs to the states or the people. We need to return the the Constitutional Republic that this country was set up as. The military and defense of the country (including protecting our borders) are among the few things authorized to the Fed’s.

Our politicians spend other people’s money and promise the moon without regard to the law of the country. That is our biggest problem.


A bleak outlook for sure. :unamused:


You lack “compassion” if you question freebie programs.
People are so content in relying on big gov to provide for their needs.

That guy in a red suit from the North Pole has a great chance of winning any elective position.


I was feeling pretty good today, up until I started watching this. I won’t say any more or it will become a political rant.


I’m sorry for darkening your day, :slightly_smiling_face:


No prob, better to know what’s coming. Like differing opinions, we need them to challenge our ideology. How this differs is I believe our economy is in bad shape however this shows more of a dire situation. Double Digit inflation, War in europe, bad economy, 1st Amendment in trouble, 4th Amendment in trouble, 2nd Amendment taking shot across the bow, open borders, indoctrination in schools, china and finally news leaning more towards propaganda than honest reporting, our nation is in trouble.


I believe the bubble economy was on life support and in the process of tanking long before Corona and Ukraine. But they are now providing convenient cover for the kleptocrats actions of the last several decades that are really responsible for the suffering we are all about to endure.


When a powerful world leader mentions nuclear weapons, biological weapons usage, all bets are off, climate change, methane emitting cows, electric cars, windmills, Pelosi’s ice cream, Nadler’s pants, skin color. If someone doesn’t grab the wheel, we’re going straight off a cliff.

I’m not saying we need to be physically involved, we need leadership that can lead without having to push a button!
How do you say, “speak softly and carry a big stick”?
I didn’t mean Dr. Seuss cackling and carrying a “whispering” Brandon into Poland!
That’s the meaning of Mutually Assured Destruction! We’re on a very dark path, but it’s not unexpected. Situational awareness means not being shocked when gas hits $15.00 a gallon, not being shocked when the grocery store is literally empty, not being shocked when the chaos hits your neighborhood! It’s all coming, we have three years to go. Look at what Brandon has accomplished in a year, can you not see the MAD MAX situation by 2024.

Sure Carter and Nixon made mistakes but they were still American, I would take either of them right now, hell, I would consider Bill Clinton! That’s just a joke, but PeeWee Herman would still get more accomplished for the American people.
Nothing surprises me anymore, I’m too old to be surprised!

This is the page Brandon is using on us, the American people, his own nation. That’s not a rose, that’s treason, tyranny and betrayal!

The reason I’m shocked is because no one is doing anything about it! As an individual I’m powerless, they removed our tools of communication and suppressed us. We need to go old school and go face to face communications.
This is a tremor of the earthquake to come! Be prepared!

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Everyone seems focused on the SCOTUS leaks but what about this leaked information about the US intelligence targeting Russian generals and their flagship for Ukraine? With all the top secret information that gets withheld for decades why the rush to release this? Plausible deniability and keeping intelligence capabilities secret used to be prime goals. Don’t see any good in releasing this info unless someone wants to goad Russia into shooting down our satellites and starting WW3.


Don’t look over here, look over there. The powers that be have hardened bunkers, we don’t.
War is money. :unamused:
They want us stoned, starved and stupid, and unarmed.


Against “F15s and nukes”, we are unarmed.
Could virtue signalling be more important than secrecy at the CIA? Could the incompetence have reached this level? Well, did you see their ad showing a “mija”?