How often do you go to the range

When was the last time you have been to the range?
When was the last time you took a class?
How often do you train?
How long do you spend at the range? How many rounds?
Do you have drills that you do?

I dry fire at home with a Sirt. I practice drills I plan on doing when I go to the range. I practice drills that will be covered in a class.
I go the range once a month and take a class once a year. I take the drills from the class and continue training afterwards to implement self-improvement. I watch videos and practice drills with my Sirt.
I practice my draws.
I practice reloads.
I practice malfunctions.
I practice speed and accuracy.


At least once a week. Here lately it’s been to damn cold. Has to be over 20 for me to go.


Once a week range
Once a year class
200-300 rounds each trip to range
Practice various scenarios each trip
Time on range is depending on training being done, usually 1 to 1.5 hours.
One day a month is “fun” day, make up a game and compete with wife.


@Todd30 Well done!

I try to get to the range weekly, but in 2025 it has been more like 1 per 10 days.
200 rounds+ each session. .380/9mm or .223/5.56 depending on pistol or rifle range time.

I take a class weekly, mostly online but have done in house classes monthly.

I practice/Dry Fire with the USCCA tool every 10 days.


I am a bit in the minority here. I can only afford the range fee and ammo once a month. I shoot 200 rounds and split it between my Glock 48 and Hellcat Pro. I do practice my draw, grip, stance and some shooting one handed. I move between 5 yards and 10 yards. I use the USCCA target so I rotate between large and small targets up, down and across.


I go to the range monthly with 2 1911 45acp and 1 CZ 9mm 200- 300 rounds . I practice draws and dry fire at home, at the range we run scenarios with moving targets.


How often do you go to the range
Not often enough!

  1. Q: When was the last time you have been to the range?

A: Yesterday 01/23/2025

  1. Q: When was the last time you took a class?

A: 5.11 / USCCA 01/21/2025 Control The Bleed / Trauma Response

  1. Q: How often do you train?

A: Daily, Dry Fire – From the holster – Home Defense / Reading

4.(a) Q: How long do you spend at the range?

A: About 2.5 to 3 hours, once a week, sometime twice if my schedule allows it.

4.(b) Q: How many rounds?

A: Glock 22 .40 S&W: 100 Rounds
     Beretta 9000S, .40 S&W: 50 Rounds
     Glock 19, 9mm: 100 Rounds
     Springfield Hell Cat Pro 9mm / Viridian “Green” Dot: 50 Rounds
     Llama 22 LR ½ Size 1911: Don’t count I have a bucket of .22.
  1. Q: Do you have drills that you do?

A: Glock 22 & 19, From the holster: Federal Course of Fire. Includes Standing Kneeling, Barricade RT/LT, Strong Hand / Weak Hand, Failure Drill (2 Center Mass / 1 Head or Top), Administrative Reload & Combat Reload.

Beretta & Springfield: Number Torture from the holster and from the bench to simulate acquiring from a lock-box or nightstand.

Llama 1911, 20 inch splatter target using brackets at varying distances from 7 yards to 20 yards.

At Home: I use the Mantis system number drills and home defense drills. The principal home defense weapon is an older Winchester 12 Ga Pump and the pistol is a back-up. I have not broken down and acquired a Positive Recoil (Green Gas / Co2 powered) SIRT Pistol. They are close to $500.00. That is a lot of frangible ammunition, as I get 500 rounds of 40 S&W for $130 and 500 rounds of 9mm for $100. It shoots well, and I have not got any miss-feeds, dead primers / hang-fires, Squib rounds or stove pipes. When I am feeling saucy, I will run through 50 rounds of Hornaday’s home defense or Federal Hydra-Shok, 9mm and 40 S&W using the course of fire.

I go slow and concentrate on the fundamentals and accuracy. Speed comes with experience and practice. Yes, I can go fast when I am timing each evolution of the course of fire, yet sometimes it is nice and useful to slow down and concentrate on simply being concisely accurate, and not so slow to the point of being counterproductive. I enjoy number torture as it helps with target acquisition, which can easily translate in a life threatening incident. Be safe, everyone!


I go every other month. I get 1 box of 50 9mm for each of my guns with 4 targets for each gun. Each target I place 15ft, 30ft, 45ft, and 60ft.

This is cost friendly and helps me with trigger control, aim, and distance. I do not need 100 plus rounds to be effective in my shooting. Can do it with 50 rounds per gun if you know what u are doing.

I see people just shoot the hell out of targets just to put rounds down range in a target.

I use laser dry fire most of the time.


It’s been two or three months since I’ve gone to the range. I/we are busy.

Took a class…last summer.

When I go, it’s about an hour usually and 100-200 rounds.

Drills I use to track my skills and compare guns/etc, are “The Test” 10 rounds at 10 yards into an NRA B8 par time of 10 seconds with 10/10 in the black (5.5" circle) to pass and from there go for time. Also Dot Torture and draw/fire for bill drill or ‘Mozambique’ at 5-7 yards

I do a little bit with my SIRT at home probably a couple times a week, it’s in a holster at my desk in my office. Practice draws at home.

Maintaining skill doesn’t take much time when frequency of dry fire/laser is utilized


I go 2 times a month, sometimes 3 when I can afford the ammo. I do drills as well. i practice all the time. As well draw & shoot without taking time to aim. Still placing them in the center mass . And doing head shots as well. Just bought a 21 clip for my Sig P365 X with gives me a total of 22 rounds. bought it for the range. But I have a few friends that quit going because they have it all tight & got it going on. That they don’t need to go because they think they are that good. And they can handle it all, no big deal. . Well one day they may wish they have taken trips to the range because they may find out that they don’t have it. And it may cost them more then they thought when a real threat is there & they fall apart when it comes to protecting the ones they love.


A brand new shooter here, so I am still trying to get there twice a week.
Member at one.
Usually shoot 150 to 200 rounds per trip.
I try to go with a list of drills to do each time, but often go down a rabbit hole trying to make a correction.
Have taken 1 class so far, but looking for a good instructor to do some one on one training.
Use dry fire at home to try to correct things from the range, and get used to my concealed carry holsters.