It’s my RIA job and it’s not some knock off it’s a true 1911 .45 auto and they have been making them since WWII.
Maybe no frills…but all fun
That was the first I bought and liked it so much I got the commander model to go along with it. The commander is listed on my CCP as one I can carry. They are really easy to break down and clean all the way through.
Can’t hardly tell it from my sons S.S now black stainless Series 70 1911 that he sent me the money to get for him when he was in Iraq, I had to order it and when he got back home he took it up to his buddy Bob Novak of Novak sights to dump another 2-±K in it, there is a difference but mine was like 680$ and his was like 1,300 plus what Novak put in it at a discount for a friend at about 3,500 total cost for his.
Combat Commander’s are nice but I went with the full size because I knew I probably wouldn’t carry it anyway
I also have the commander good shooting weapon I carry it all the time now. I like it almost as much as my Kimber full size.
Who made the commander?
My Commander is a RIA
Lookin’ good!
I’ll post my RIA Beautiful double barbell 12 Ga. Very nice wood n all for $ 500 new.
I’ve got a SKS sling on it lol , man that thing it a beauty . I got a cpl snap caps in it
What is S.S? A brand, or Stainless Steel?
Stainless, oh I forgot to say it’s a Colt
What is the barrel length?
Oh God full size I guess, it’s not a combat commander, been twenty yes or so it’s probably like what is it 5.5” or so?
I guess that sounds a bit long are they 4.5? IDK but I’ve forgot more than I know
This I recall the first time I brought mine to the range. I was grinning after the first shot
As far as I’m concerned it’s as nice as a Colt , it shoots the same and it came it’s a 8 rd. Magazine so 8+1 ain’t bad, it did have some crappy slabs on it that looked like the ones on those get-ya killed Ravens lol So I ordered those from somewhere