Here it comes! (Proposed gun legislation)

45IPAC. I actually have no quarrel at all with what you laid out here ( literally laid out LOL). I own " tactical" ARs that run 5.56 Nato/ 223 Rem and Shot guns. I want to make clear to everyone here that there are many Democrats and Liberals who have firearms and treasure the right to bear arms. I have associated with many of these folks for decades thru friendships and gun clubs. And back to your points, efforts to ban certain weapons and ammo are counter productive. We can get lost in all the statistics ( and they can be twisted this way and that to support one position or another) but the bottom line is someone can do just as much damage holding a Glock with a ten round mag in each hand ( or a Glock in one hand with someone capable of speed reloading proficiently )than with a " military style " ( bullshit) AR 15 with a 20 mag in the well . But most reasonable people are not trying to ban hand guns, and of course, they cannot under the constitution. Heck, the vast majority of mass shooters are amateurs thank God. A pro that wanted to do maximum damage at fairly close range in a movie theatre might be better served with a standard pump action shot gun with .00 Buck like I use for home self defense. And with all the hunters in the USA, we sure as hell are not going to ban those ( also would be a violation of the 2nd Amendment ) Like anything else, it is lack of information and education that makes people susceptible to bad ideas. So, us Dems that own firearms and understand them, work to educate those " progressives" that do not. Again, plenty of that is going on. But unfortunately, with our society so stratified nowadays, and too many people only traveling in their own circles, I am sure most conservatives are not aware, or will not believe what I am saying about pro 2nd Amendment Dems/Libs. Now, those folks like the guy who went on a rant against me here just a while ago probably cannot be reached. And there have been liberals who refuse to budge even in the face of the facts. But my experience has been that more of them have softened or changed their position when someone like myself who they can trust lays it all out for them in a logical way. Finally, and to this point, all of us gun owners would be well served to write off the extremes on both " sides’ and work on the 80% of the population that are reason minded and persuadable, to find common ground on the issues of gun ownership and safety.


That is why I took the time to go through that. The majority of “Democrat gun owners” feel similar when it comes to the 2A. But, the politicians are pandering to the extremists. They don’t care if they violate the rights of the people, as long as they get the votes. Not just the Democrat politicians either, mind you. Biden and Harris fit in with the extreme left, on the 2A. Don’t get me wrong, Trump wasn’t exactly a champion for the 2A. His opinion on Red Flag laws fell squarely in the anti-2A category. Since this is a self defense forum/topic, I won’t go into my other grievances with the left.

Like I stated earlier, being from Illinois, I’ve seen how these extreme politicians act regarding gun owners rights. We have the FOID system, which is a money grab. W have a law that not only is a firearm dealer federally licensed, they must be state licensed as well. We no CCW reciprocity for any other state. In some places, we have rifle and magazine capacity bans. Yet, in one such city, Chicago, we have more shootings than most other cities. All the gun laws don’t stop a Chicago criminal from getting a gun, and using it against innocent people. The same stands/will stand true for the Biden, Harris, Moms Demand Action, Bloomberg gun control laws. Also, these extremists won’t stop until they have ALL the guns.


I agree, thank you

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I would have thought it was the 9mm.

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Barry, I hear what you’re saying. Up until maybe the last six years, politically I was an Independent right-leaning moderate. Now with how much the more liberal political message is, I’m probably more on the conservative side of things which is still kind of odd to me to be lumped in as a conservative. What I saw between various news sources and prominent Democrat leaders was just the extreme liberalism. Aside from Tulsi Gabbard, I can’t name a single prominent Democrat leader that has a more moderate stance on politics and social issues. She’s been kind of downplayed by her own party because she doesn’t agree with the general message. Unfortunately if you’re Democrat I think you just automatically get lumped into the “liberal” camp. I know a couple registered Democrats that own firearms as well and they are also more moderate in-nature. Unfortunately we’re just at a point where if you identify as Democrat you get one “tag” and if you’re Republican you get one “tag.” The “moderate” gets as much, if not less, of a voice than conservatives these days.