Harris VP pick


I hate things like this. They make people feel like they do not need to vote.


I think I can safely say, it doesn’t get any better!



Those who love this country had damned sure better be paying attention to current events. This country will fall under 4 more years of this.

This is my opinion. There will be no response from me to your opinion.

If you do not see it, then you are in denial and way beyond reason.


Apparently, he pulled out of the Reserves when he found out he was going to Afghanistan.


Yeah. Worse part is he was in leadership so he effectively abandoned his men. I’m not a veteran or anything and that really makes me mad! I can’t imagine being someone who was deployed to Afghanistan and finding that out.


People better pay attention and not get comfortable or she will win and we will have 4 more yrs of the same and this country won’t survive that.


I think it was a Beatle that once said, “
with every mistake, we must be learning
” It’s more than my guitar that’s weeping!


Let me get this straight. The guy puts in 24 years and decides that he doesn’t want to go to a combat zone and retires instead and we’re bashing him for being a traitor and deserting his battalion and other b.s. He put in 24 freaken years and earned and had the right to retire. Get freaken real people. This is the closest we have gotten to a dem pro 2A person. He is a hunter and notice that he and Harris are no longer using words to bash gun ownership, but instead have started using words to describe enforcing laws that are already on the books. Dang, regardless of any positive changes towards firearms, if they are coming from dems, then they have to be bad. sheesh.

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The end product of Obama’s goal to fundamentally change America. :rage:


You need to “get freaking real”. He’s not a 2A candidate. From Epoch Times:

He supported gun rights in Congress before changing his position in 2018, when he was running for governor, and saying he would support a ban on so-called assault weapons in Minnesota. In 2023, he signed a bill into law that allows the authorities to confiscate someone’s firearms if the person is considered to be a danger to themselves or others, commonly known as a “red flag” law.

George Floyd’s death brought the need for meaningful police reform into sharp focus for Minnesotans across the state. In 2020, Walz signed a bill that sought to reform policing in Minnesota, including limiting the use of chokeholds during arrests.
[which were not used during Flyod’s arrest]

He Implemented Strict Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. One policy included a stay-at-home order. His Department of Public Safety set up a hotline to report those violating the order.

[Hamas and Israel] What was evident on Saturday morning was the absolute lack of humanity, the terrorism and the barbarism,” he added. “That’s not a geopolitical discussion. That’s murder.” [Yet he wants Israel to give-up, aka “cease fire”.]

From the Daily Mail:

Retired Command Sergeant Major Thomas Behrends of the Minnesota National Guard accused Walz of having ‘embellished’ his record and of having abandoned his unit when he left the Guard to run for Congress.

In early 2005, a warning order was issued to the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, which included the position he was serving in, to prepare to be mobilized for active duty for a deployment to Iraq,’ Behrends and Paul Herr in a letter they posted on Facebook.

‘On May 16th, 2005, he quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war.’

‘His excuse to other leaders was that he needed to retire in order to run for Congress,’ they wrote, calling the claim ‘false.’ They say the decision left his unit without a critical leader as it prepared for the deployment.


:+1: :+1: :+1:
Vote with your brain, not your feewings
Vote like your freedom depends on it.


And your financial security.

In my line of work I work very closely with all kinds of businesses from large to small. All are struggling because of inflation and interest rates. They haven’t laid off their people yet, meaning a formal recession, but the news, and the official economic numbers don’t remotely show how tenuous this economy is, how much debt everyone is in, and how scared business owners and managers are.

We’re in real, honest trouble here and everyone is talking about cat ladys, tweets, gender and skin color.

That doesn’t phucking matter!!!

20M illegals matters. War matters. Debt matters. Inflation matters. The fact that the “middle class” has no savings matters. Food security matters. How the hell can we turn the national conversation to what matters? Honestly, I don’t see Trump doing a very good job of it. He makes distractions by talking about Harris’ race, and that’s all the news cycle he can get now. Who on team Trump can focus this discussion??? All I see in Florida are Harris ads non stop, and they’re pretty good.

We’re gonna lose at this rate, and we literally, as an economy, won’t survive a Harris Walz administration.


This is what the trash liberal media wants us to focus on, The dems have no substance, no moral plan. morning joe, rachel maddox. the swine from the view, that’s all they have. And you’re right about Trump, he needs to focus on the economy, the border, the Constitution. forget the dem talking points. And quit the insulting wording. The first four years, I could understand that he wasn’t professionally coached on how to speak politics like obama was. He needs to concentrate on what he’s good at and what this country needs, the economy.
I’m not going to vote for him to be a best friend, I’m going to vote for him to at least stop this runaway, buying vote, insane spending that the dems love so much. To be what he was the first term - the best President this country has had in many years. JD Vance was a good pick for VP although he said “cat lady”, which is all the libs could dig up on him, so phucking what!! kamala slept her way into politics, waltz paved the way for the rioting in Minneapolis, but, but Vance said “cat lady” how terrible :crazy_face:

All I can do now, (other than try to convince people to vote for their freedom and economic survival ) is to pray that the Good Lord looks upon us with sympathy, and caring, and guides voters to vote for this country’s survival.

Rant over

Stay safe and vigilant


You’re not wrong. But what people want in a “leader” can vary quite a bit. Single topic voters are a huge problem, especially on the left. This is how they get votes. Hate guns (for any reason, despite that you watch them all of the time on TV
used incorrectly) you must vote blue. Say a mean word, then blue. Abortion, blue. This sweeps a lot of people to team blue, especially the young who know virtually nothing about nothing. That’s a lot of votes. Add skin color and you’re nearly there to run the free world, despite that none of these matter to run the free world.

I agree on Trump. Pick the important topics and include some jabs at how team blue is with veterans, the military, the border, current prices, and stick to the plan. It is only a few months and there’s plenty of “advertising” that can be done with facts about what this administration has done to the country and the world, not to mention what four more years would do.

This is oversimplified, of course, but it is a distraction game that he shouldn’t be engaged in.


We as a country have screwed ourselves slowly over many years. The founders knew that not everyone was informed or involved enough to vote for president. They also knew that the president shouldn’t be too powerful, so they meant to give the real power to congress. They also knew that political parties were a bad idea. We’ve thrown all that out the window.

We changed the electoral college to basically a state wide popular vote. Congress gave too much authority to the executive branch, because congressmen were all too aligned to their party, and afraid to make difficult decisions.

Now we find ourselves in a situation where single issue voters, like Brad said, who don’t read history, or real, unbiased news, are picking what amounts to the most powerful single person in the world. It wasn’t supposed to work that way. No one election cycle should ever be so important that the wellbeing of the country hangs in the balance. We had checks and balances to prevent that.

Fools broke what geniuses gave them.


TRUTH! No truer words were ever spoken.
BUT, just because somethings Broken doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.
I am not a pillar of positivity and Light usually but we can turn this around, WE HAVE TO.
Our survival is at stake. If these Criminals get in again we are finished.
The Elite’s will stack the deck (Congress/Senate) and hopes of being free will be dashed.
People are slowly waking up . Cory Bush (2nd Squad member defeated)
This Loon as a VP pick is great for the RED pill team.
This jerk has more baggage than Kamel-Toe. It should be a wash but it won’t be.
The brain washing for a lot of Blue’s is complete.

I still feel there won’t be an Election. We can’t trust it, It really can’t be fixed unless
we have an entire ARMY of honest people running the count. I don’t see the bad guy’s
letting us do that.
The fix is already in. The Media Mob is circling the wagons around the next Black, female, Indian MORON. The checks have been cashed and even though maybe they in their hearts understand this group will lead us to destruction the Media backs them because they HATE Donald Trump. It’s that simple.
Why would you elect a guy who wants to bring back Patriotism, Freedom, Gun rights, Earning you way to a better life?
Because it flies in the face of the Communists agenda of Bigger.gov, Restrictions for the masses, Wipe out the Middle Class–Those pesky people who earn their keep. Want all these 'Freedom’s so long dead guy’s wrote down on pieces of paper. Communism, Socialism, Progressives want only one thing : TOTAL CONTROL over us.
We Middle /Upper class stand in the way of that. (and they seethe at that fact everyday)
If this election goes through either way there may be violence. They don’t want to give up their power, and we can’t afford another term of these evil doer’s.
Somethings going to break.
Change / Revolution is a good thing.
It clears the air (after the gun powder settles)
They (the BG’s) are intent on disarming us.
Once disarmed we are done. Stick a fork in us.
We will just be another ‘Failed State’.

I don’t want to go home leaving this country in worse shape than before I came here.
This isn’t a joke what is happening. This is a planned attack on all we hold dear.
The one thing that may not be known is when a Socialist country FAILS the results are catastrophic. Living under a ‘Regime’ where everything to exist (just barely enough to survive)
is given to the masses never works. I’ve said it before here "Someday the Socialist .gov will run out of your money’. And then it’s CHAOS time.
A Revolution would bad but a Coast to Coast RIOT would be a country killer.
These Dem’s can laugh and laugh, The Media can say ‘How good everything is going’
You’re just confused it’s not soooooooooooooo bad! Pudding did great for this country
Already talk of his head on Mt. Rushmore
 I think not!
and even if we are dying of thirst, we better always say no to their plans.


Any fix should require that if you live here, you’re American, and you follow the rules here, speak the language, contribute, and follow the laws/constitution. No room for variance. If you vary from these basic things, you live elsewhere.