Georgia Mom Shoots Home Invader, Hiding With Her Children


That’s awesome that she could protect herself and the kids! The attacker was definitely going after her and the kids when he figured out the family was home.

I wouldn’t have said everything the husband said… but the wife was able to defend her family!

The gun she used was stated to be a .38 revolver by the Sheriff where she lives and the anchor said it was a .36…

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I heard this story about a year ago. And yet the ANTI-GUN PEOPLE/GROUPS keep saying that no one needs a gun for protection. Well yet again they’re wrong. And in the 2020 elections every democrat running for President has called out for pushing more GUN LAWS THAT WON’T WORK. And some of the GUN LAWS that they want are ALREADY ON THE BOOKS NOW. At this point in time there are some 22,000 GUN LAWS ON THE BOOKS now nation wide both state and federal. What I think should be done is to start ENFORCING ALL CURRENT GUN LAWS. And stop trying to pass more GUN LAWS that are ALREADY ON THE BOOKS NOW.



good for her… mama bear in action. her husband sounds very calm with her on the phone.

and … did the newsreader say “a 36 caliber handgun”? or is it just my ears?

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I hate hearing that people are put into these horrible situations and have to life with this for the rest of their lives because some low life thought he could take what wasnt his.

However I am happy the family had the tools and training in place to be able to live out the rest of their lives. Hopefully they have moved onto living as normal of a life as possible.


Liberals don’t know much about guns, they just want to take them…however there was a .36 caliber created by Colt in the 1850s. I’m not a historian, so there may be others.