Front sight training school?

Has anyone been to this school in Las Vegas?

Sponsored link above (just to clarify, is not by me, but a local radio personality promo) Says he’s giving away a four day $2000 course for free less a $50 background check fee up front…

Looks like it’s maybe worth it, but could be complete BS too.

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Look at old thread where we have discussed this:



Thanks for the link. Sorry I missed the thread earlier. I’m retired and live close enough to LV to go there without issue. Aside from the endless emails and phone calls, which can be blocked when needed, the intro free classes sound like a fun and worthy couple of days for very little cost.


That would be awesome, if you have a chance to spend some time there for $50 :muscle:

My biggest problem is distance and lack of time.
Hopefully the offer I’ve got would be still valid in 203x… when I retire… :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, they always send me emails and the founder is a gentleman named Ignacious Piazza but I never really was interested but it sounds good.

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Been there 3 times and went through Advanced Handgun. In beginning classes I saw housewives unfamiliar with handguns at the end drawing from the holster and shooting faster and more accurately than many Cops I worked with. Good Instructors when I went. In Advanced most of the course is from concealment. Good legal class in the air conditioned classroom after lunch.


Thanks for the feedback. I’m planning to go with a buddy in the fall. I’ll report back…


nobody gives away a $2000 valued course for $50. Sounds vastly overpriced.

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It is absolutely the best ! Well run! Safety is first! Staff is well trained. You learn from no knowledge OF FIREARMS to clearing your home. MOST IMPORTANTLY (to me) IS WHY NOT TO SHOOT.
They present a clear understanding of the responsibility of owning a gun and the ability to use it.


Piazza will hit you with sales pitches by email, mail and phone. My first class I paid $150 plus the $50 dollar background fee. They dont want to give skills to felons. My son bought the $150 beginning course coupon on ebay. During a lunch break my son bought both of us life memberships. He talked with Piazza directly on the phone and got a good discount on mine as a retired cop.


I have heard from a couple of friends the class are well run and very good. I have also had one of them refer to the guy as Obnoxious Piazza… :grinning:


For what it is worth, i have been training at Front Sight since 2011. It is legit, although the marketing is quite different than other schools! The training is excellent, safe and accommodating to any skill level. i highly recommend it. they just started training again since being closed down for COVID.


Welcome to the family and you are in the right place at the right time.

Thanks! I look forward to the community and some good conversation on all gun topics!

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