Friday Fun: Unconventional Paper Targets

We’ve all seen the typical silhouette target at the range that helps us train for shooting in self-defense. We have to remember that our attacker will most likely not be standing perfectly upright facing us like that silhouette.

While these targets are more precision shooting than defensive accuracy, they can help change up our training a bit and add a little variety to our range time.


What unconventional paper targets do you use?

(Pictures encouraged - please no incredibly graphic targets.)

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Unconventional probably not but I tape one target to another to simulate someone being held hostage. So I have shot thousands of rounds around the edges. I

Some friends and I used to have something like a golf course target that we would use as code for we are going to go and shoot stuff and our wives would pretend they didn’t see us walking out with gun bags instead of golf bags.

Golf is very bad for my health. Never took a class, would just walk up and hit the ball. Mid 80’s pretty regular. Had a friend who was a golf pro who " gave" me a few lessons. Couldn’t hit a golf ball after that except with a gun. I broke 3 " Big Bertha’s on a tree and threw a set of new Ping clubs in the course lake. The resident gator agreed to let me get my clubs, I agreed to not use 2 more clips of .45 on it.


Wow! I’m not a fan of shooting at real people targets. And I’m wondering if that constitutes a threat to the president :thinking:

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There were never any threats, implied or otherwise. And because her girl was on there, she wouldn’t touch the trigger. They saved each other :slight_smile:

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I have taught precision rifle for a few years now and have some very cool paper targets that might translate to handguns but they would have to be bigger.

One is “Know your limitation” It starts off with a 2" circle followed by a 1 3/4", a 1 1/2" etc down to a 1/8" dot. It is shot at 200 yards. Not too many takers for the 1/8"

Another is a derivative of the darts game “Baseball” modernized, it’s called “QWERTY” it is a QWERTY key board (Regular computer keyboard if you have never heard of QWERTY, it’s the top left 6 letters) and the shooter is given a FIVE letter word to spell.

Poker: 11 x 17 with a bunch of playing cards printed on it (20 IIRC), best hand wins. Also shot at 200 yds.




@Zavier_D LOL!!! A golf course is a waste of a perfectly good rifle range, but the balls are fun as he!! to shoot at 200+ yards




@Zavier_D darn, and here I was hoping to get a set of PINGs for cheap. You or the gator I would have bribed one of ya.
(When I moved to Coachella Valley I had a set of Ping clubs on layaway - thinkin I’d get a chance to play - what with all the golf courses down there… After a few months out in the desert, caretaking a 400-acre property, I decided the funds were more useful in the purchase of a 12 ga shotgun. Thus the very beginning of my adult acquaintance with firearms!

Oh, I like dart boards; I may shoot better than I can throw these days.

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Yeah, it’s a good thing for me that
A) Owner was in our group and rolling on his ass cheering his ass off for both of us.
B) my friends knew me :rofl:, so …
C) Small gator
D) No one around to call police as we were in unincorporated county land.

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Just FYI, you can go to “targetz” online and print off some pretty slick targets for free…


Favorite Target

This is my favorite target. Of course, Princess Leia is my least favorite character in all of fiction. She is, simply said, a massive jerk.

I saw these last week - the only problem is I wouldn’t want to shoot them! I’d just want to hang them on my wall as is. :laughing:

Long time ago, before my youngest brother joined the army, I would make targets from old Co2 bottles and hang them with homemade welded stands. Also hang steel plates that could swing. And on the last legs of the steel stands, I secured lines of cannon fuse across it to see if we could shoot the fuse and stop it from burng…

We got close but didn’t manage to cut the fuse. Probably didn’t help being 40 yards away with nothing but iron sites on old Mosin Nagants.

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I congratulate you on being an intelligent distance for safety’s sake! (Wait, what was at the end of the fuse?) :thinking:


Well, at the other end of the fuse was…

More fuse to cross the other direction…

Steel stands with fuse across the steel beams (1" square tubing thin walled) in an old rock quarry with a large rock wall behind it… This rock wall was prone to breaking vs bouncing bullets so a good backstop but when you shooting 7.62x54r with FMJ with muzzle velocity at 2800+ fps, we were not going to stand a short distance away…


Well then… you could probably have been closer :rofl:


Could, sure, but we usually like to error on on the side of caution…

I’m road tripping to AZ next month to visit my brother, perhaps I should make some more fuse targets…

I have a system now that I can build electronically activated fuses with either cellular activation or remote control…


This one is always fun

Target-Alien.pdf (685.1 KB)


I like that! 7 build drills in one target.