Is there a reliable frangible ammo on the market for edc/self defense? I have read conflicting reports and have seen nothing from mainstream manufacturers. Concern is over penetration and ricochets.
Over penetration is always gonna be a hot topic. From what I’ve decided on, look at what you’re looking for in regards to the level of penetration. It’s not an exact science and is based on perfect hits. I don’t carry anything that advertises less than the feds minimum requirements but I dont stress if it’s a little over.
A miss is a miss and if it goes thru a target into someone or something else you would have no way of preventing that. Mitigate the risks but nothing will be 100% certain
Here’s some info on choosing the right ammo for the right purpose:
Also, check out this thread that might be helpful as well: Home defense: Risk of Overpenetration
This vid made me think frangibles can still over penetrate like lead bullets, nor do they help reduce accidental injury in the home if used in home defense. But can be useful /safer when hitting steel targets in order to prevent bounce back danger.
I heard that some military and police use some frangible rounds in real life duty, and that it was frangible ammunition which killed Osama bin Laden (2011); Used in close combat scenarios. Yet, it still seems quite lethal. I’m missing the logic if it’s still quite deadly, why they’d use it, but I understand trying to minimize accidents of friendly fire.
How easy are they to clean out of a barrel and chamber? Do they foul it up compared to lead?
@Burdo Still “seems” to be the best around and it’s been around for a while. I have no personal experience with DRT.