Fed to indict hunter

I’m not really optimistic about it


We’ll have to see if it’s a Real Prosecution or if it’s a Fluffed Up Sweetheart Deal. When ever I see Clinton or Biden in a story like this I immediately go to , nothing is going to happen here. We’ll see but I’m not too optimistic.


Bet you didn’t have this on your bingo card.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


The Clintons could suicide one of their own in Hunter’s bed and nothing would happen.


same thing here
I will believe it when I see it.


The Clinton family have murdered several people and got away with it…wait I should say had them murdered.


No, they all killed themselves! Poor Vince Foster had to shoot himself in the back of the head twice, with two different guns, but the poor soul got it done. The anguish he must have been facing, feeling the need to testify against a crime syndicate.


That’s Guinness world record material.


Don’t know what chargers they plan to indict him on but suspect no matter what they are they will let him plead guilty to jaywalking or something similar and the penalty will be time already served. As in 0 days.

Maybe if they want to make the corruption and hypocrisy seem slightly less obvious they send him to one of those country club white collar crime prisons for a couple of weeks.


We all know nothing will come of it. There is a two tier justice system. They are all in on it. Anyone of them that is in DC is on the take, all of them. Theater is what their game is based on. They may SAY what you want to happen but no action. They have video/ audio of Brandon blackmailing Ukraine, yet nothing. Them and their sheep will protect all of them.

My .02


And even if they “say” he’s going to prison, who actually knows where he goes. He’s the Presidents son, they can hide him in a resort somewhere and we mere civilians would be none the wiser.


This “token” indictment could be the dems’ key to getting rid of bidung, who currently holds the lowest approval rating since Jimmy Carter. It provides proof “At least in dem minds” that there IS no two tiered justice system, and the indictment can hopefully sway some independents to vote for the next dem.

They don’t do anything by accident, no matter how stupid their plan is.


Most likely house arrest at one of his father’s homes where he can spend his time reviewing the top secret documents stored in the garage.


It’s possible this could be some grand plan. Personally I think this issue just makes it more likely Biden sticks in the race so he can pardon himself and his family after the election. I feel the same way about the Trump indictments. Give him a big TV network deal and immunity from future prosecution and lawsuits for him and his family and he likely doesn’t bother running again.

I think in Hunter’s case the corruption and illegal acts are just so blatantly obvious and major that they are having a harder time than usual sweeping it under the rug.


If you use a classified document to roll up and snort coke through, does it help keep the drug use a secret? Asking for an enemy.


On this we differ. I don’t think this would be the case at all. I don’t believe he would sell out the American people. I believe he has the highest of integrity, despite everything that has been done to make people believe otherwise.


We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

I have been following Trump’s actions since long before all the political noise. Didn’t trust his motives and modes of operation then. Trust them even less now. And none of my distrust is based on the current deluge of left wing propaganda.

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Do tell.

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Somewhat short overview with a couple brief examples:

He first ended up on my radar when I took a trip to Atlantic City with a friend to visit one of his relatives in the late 80s. It inspired my first investigative forays into studying urban blight and crime. I occasionally kept checking in down there and kept coming across some the shenanigans with casino investments and the repeated shafting of construction workers and investors through his repeated bankruptcies.

A decade or so ago my wife started watching the Apprentice and I wanted to see if he really was that narcissistic and fragile egoed or if it was just an act. When I went through his business interviews I became convinced it wasn’t an act. He truly believes he is smartest person in the room. He takes full credit for everything good those under him do. He says he only hires the best people then when something bad happens he blames it on the people he hired, calls them losers and fires them in grandiose fashion. He has little to no loyalty to the people who serve him unless that loyalty serves his agenda.

It seems pretty obvious to me that his run for president was a publicity stunt to drum up support for a new TV network. His media empire was struggling and he needed a boost. Before deciding to run as a Republican most of his interviews showed a clear left leaning bias. Anti firearm, pro Obama Care, pro abortion, etc. He was pretty good buddies with the Clintons so probably didn’t want to get in Hillary’s way by running as a Democrat. A few weeks before the election he had his sons out negotiating TV network contracts. His team appears to have done no prep work for the presidential transition if he won. There were several reports that those around him were stunned and completely unprepared when he actually did win.

He ran on a platform of draining the swamp but the vast majority of his presidential advisors were pulled straight from the swamp. He had two years with a Republican majority and didn’t pass a single pro firearm bill. Instead he pushed the ATF into passing the bump stock ban which is the template Biden is now using to destroy our 2A rights. He also threatened to unilaterally establish assault weapon and magazine bans after a couple of mass shooting events while president.

He was the prime force for pushing big pharma to produce experimental vaccines without adequate testing. And in just 4 years he added $7 trillion to the national debt all while his family seems to be benefitting quite nicely from foreign investments from countries he treated favorably while President.

If I had a daughter I would not leave her alone in a room with either Biden or Trump. Neither of their behaviors is becoming of a human being let alone the President of the USA. I am ashamed to have to explain to my son why he shouldn’t behave the way the only two Presidents he has ever seen do.

I know most here disagree with me but that is my opinion and I have seen no convincing arguments to change it. If either the Democrats or Republicans want my vote this time around they need to give me a much better option than the past several they have shoved down my throat.

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