Fed to indict hunter

Your opinions are noted.

But when I see the total destruction going on this country in the 2.5 years following his tenure, and the UNPRECEDENTED accelerated abuses/trampling of our Constitution, it’s an easy choice for me to put his abrasive personality on the back burner in favor of rescuing the country. I think he’s the only prospective leader that can do it on either side. No one can stand up to the regime like Trump can and will.


It’s not his abrasive personality that worries me.

I hope you are right if he wins but from everything I have seen he is just another piece of the kleptocracy. He used to be the one using the system and greasing the wheels for his own profit but now he is on the receiving end. Most importantly he has laid out no plan of how to tackle our out of control debt, $32.9+ trillion and spinning away. And that debt doesn’t count the almost $200 Trillion more in unfunded future liabilities!

The US is bankrupt and all the politicians have their heads in the sand. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. Bush 2 and Obama had a chance to pull us out of the tailspin after the 2007/2008 financial crises but instead they choose to sweep it under the rug and accelerate the debt death spiral. Trump and Biden are just riding the wave down the drain.


Normal people can’t even fathom $1 trillion, (A trillion is a thousand billions, a billion is a thousand millions) let alone $25 trillion when Trump got into office, let alone $32 trillion (or whatever it is now)

That amount simply cannot EVER be repaid, or even paid down in any significant amount in generations, and EVERYONE knows it.
We’ve been sold down the river by our keepers.


This type of Chit has been going on since President Trump came down the escalator. Over six years of continual (daily) smears of the Presidents character.


Yes, and Biden even admitting to it, too. This, too:

A week after then-Vice President Joe Biden began pressuring Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor in late 2015 by withholding U.S. loan guarantees, the European Union reached internal consensus in a memo saying that Prosecutor Viktor Shokin’s office and the country at large had met its goals for fighting corruption, organized crime and human trafficking.

The newly revealed memo directly undercuts the narrative crafted by Democrats during Donald Trump’s first impeachment and sustained during the 2020 presidential election, namely, that Biden fired Shokin over U.S. and European concerns that he wasn’t fighting corruption aggressively enough.

At the time, Shokin was investigating the activities of energy company Burisma Holdings. And Hunter Biden – who had no experience in the energy industry – was being paid at least $83,333 a month by Burisma.

“Based on these commitments, the anti-corruption benchmark is deemed to have been achieved,” the European Commission, a key governing body of the EU Parliament, declared in a December 18, 2015 report that gave a generally rosy assessment of Ukraine’s pace of reforms and specifically the efforts of Shokin’s Prosecutor General Office.


The biggest slam dunk of all! Bidung himself gives it to prosecutors on a silver platter and, NOTHING!


That’s what I was referring to.


I’m not one bit surprised, anyone that has ever been arrested, accused and tried for a crime in the “Justice” system in America knows, The Truth Does NOT Matter. What matters is who can tell the best story to the jury or judge if it’s a bench trial. I’ve been locked up for thing I simply didn’t do, wasn’t there, didn’t know any of the actors. I’ve also been let go when I was guilty as sin.


“It’s not what you know, It’s what you can prove.”


Or who you know that can make everyone else ignore the proof.