Many of them have economic issues, severe weather issues, political issues, total oil dependency, (FL, LA), joblessness (MI, MS, AR), corruption and are likely to collapse first and foremost in hard times. Some are in big trouble already.
AK, for example, doesn’t produce much for itself and most goods people need are shipped in from the Lower 48 and elsewhere, thus driving prices through the roof. And what happens in a nationwide economic hardship or collapse? How will they get their needs met? Disaster.
The only thing I don’t like about the Midwest, where I live, is that it’s land locked. The folks who started the Free State Project, for example, chose NH for its fourteen or so miles of Atlantic shoreline, for trade with other countries via ship, in the event of hardship or collapse. We have no such outlet. The Midwest could become a sort of no man’s land. But we have everything we need here.
Eastern AZ, White Mountain region, etc., Northern AZ, Prescott area, are most excellent bug out locations I have explored and used intensely. But in hardship or collapse, they would have no trucks coming in to supply the towns. Things could get real rough. But they have everything they need to live there, independent of anyone. They do suffer for a lack of water in the region as well, especially with the Californio invasion, drastically increasing the demand.
What a lot of forecasters are seeing in severe economic hardship and collapse and civil unrest for the US is a break up and balkanization, infighting. The US unable to maintain its position in the world nor even on this continent. Collapse of empire. Breakup of the Union. Some states falling to foreign entities, like CA and Western Canada being taken by the Chinese (they practically own it all already anyway), TX breaking off and going independent and/or fighting with Mexico again most likely. The Eastern Seaboard being what is left of the US.
Canada is in a freefall, along with Western Europe. Not much left.
We’re still holding on.
The West is done. The end of empire. We have run our course. Most of the rest of the world is now divorcing itself from us. They are tired of our way of doing things and are breaking off and working with other partners. Even Thailand is joining BRICS.
Our “unbreakable bond” with Israel is costing us dearly and has the potential to cost us everything we have or even get us into a nuclear war and end it all. The Ukraine mess, too.
The userers have usurped the country. We have been duped. We are led to ruin.
But life goes on just the same. It’s not over.
So far, I guessed correctly coming to SD. I thrived here during COVID, while everyone else was sinking. There were no lockdowns here and we moved freely and everyone kept on working.
So far so good.
Steady as she goes.
Another reason I chose the North is because I was born here. I’m a Northerner, tried and true, through and through.