False Arrest In Absence Of Probable Cause -or- Goodbye, Meridian!

This just in…

Officer Chambers came up to Meridian, ID from Kalifornia. As you will see, he aims to turn that gorgeous town, which repeatedly wins “Best Place To Live In America” awards year after year, into something just as wonderful as he thinks he is.

The Bloo Line Gansta Kops from Kali are the real thing! Racketeering, extortion, murder for hire, narcotics and human trafficking you-name-it. Those boyz in bloo do it all down there! Best kops money can buy!

But, as you can easily see, Officer Chambers isn’t cut out for LA. Too much of a scared, weak b*tch to be a real bloo line gangsta kop. Watch him shake with adrenaline dump and sheer terror as he fails to face plant a compliant teenager and murder him (twice) for trying to help his brother. This bald-headed fruitcake couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag with a razor blade in each hand.

Well, so long, Meridian. You’ll be the next town to fall, ripped apart from Krooked Kali Koppers.

Dear Meridian,
Fire Pigger Chambers ASAP. It’s only going to get worse.


Wow, deep intel. IDK. Can’t believe everything that you read in the travel logs.

Maybe that because the BGs read the same travel logs to target where to go.


Lots of weirdness happening with Idaho State the past few years.

ID is one of those states the Kommie Kalis are flooding into as Kali sinks into the fires of the Pacific Rim. They are fleeing Kali in droves for TX, AZ, NV, ID, WA, OR, MT, WY, SD. They bring their Kommie twisted krack with them.

Oddly, ID is one of those states that was considering allowing foreign nationals to become police officers. I think that by federal law the states can do that if they decide to. Illinois did it in 2023. ID is trippy anymore.

Obviously this bum come up from Kali and missed the old ways of just thumping on people as he saw fit and wanted to rekindle his lust for torture, get his real game on. He’d been off it for too long up in quiet, peaceful Meridian and was Jones’n for a fix. Looks like he got it.

Looks like he might be getting into a bit of a fix in his career as this story grows in popularity over the next 48 hrs or so and as that fat little Super Stupor Kop Supervisor gets a chance to review the recording.


I hope that kid gets a multi million dollar settlement and the ball headed b**ch gets fired at least


Idaho courts, especially the courts in Ada County where Meridian is, make it difficult to sue the cities and police departments. Very few attorneys are willing to take on these cases because they then face the wrath of judges they must appear before for other cases.
Meridian cops have behaved this way for decades. The import cops from California only make it worse. 15 years ago, the Internal Affairs division resigned en mass because the Mayor and Police Chief refused to allow proper investigations of police misconduct.
I’ve been arrested and booked twice and charged with 4 misdemeanors and a felony with no crime committed. They were all about trying to take care of my home and lot. The criminal justice system is rigged to back the cops. There is no justice in the City of Meridian or Ada County


I take it you’re from ID. And apparently the corruption runs deep there.



I’m not FROM Idaho yet. I am trying to leave but struggling to find a place worth moving to.
The town I chose in southern Utah appears to have a City Council that also does not respect the US Constitution. They levy excessive fine in violation of the 8th Amendment. They set arbitrary fees that do not reflect costs to the city to provide services.
It appears every relationship must now generate a money flow to the bigger entity. Gone are the days of serving others to establish strong relationships that provide opportunities to generate income.


Indeed, everything’s done by pull in government these days. Corruption rampant, infrastructure going, schools/teaching gone, courts gone, policing a transparent farce and set against the general public, the very taxpayers who pay their exorbitant demands throughout their working life and beyond, living much better off than most people, yet still ungrateful and crying they don’t get enough.

They’ll get theirs when the public finally turns on them. They’re really gonna cry soon enough, when we’re broke, busted out, and no one will be able to pay their way anymore.

I went through the same ordeal as you did, years ago, before I decided to bug out of NV and find new digs. ID, NH, MT, SD, UT (Moab, for the awesome mountain biking!) AZ were tops on my research list. I lived in AZ for a year, making pistols @ Ruger in Prescott. Prescott is a very cool place to be. I would have stayed were it not for all the Kalifornios slithering in and destroying that town, too. I sometimes think Northern AZ and Southern AZ will end up divorcing themselves from each other.

I picked SD, because it’s still solid around here. There’s corruption, of course, no surprise nor alarm there. Population is low, not even a million residents in the entire state, open country as far as the eye can see, business is good, economy good, Constitutional Carry state since 2019, Kristi Noem has done some cool things here and the brutal winters help keep the riff-raff away. Even the cops aren’t too bad around here. We have had a few incidents because of corrupt cops and a corrupt chief in our town, but those incidents were dealt with swiftly by the county, public outcry and the press.

Things are still working pretty tight here in SD. I highly recommend keeping out of the Indian nations, especially Pine Ridge. Go there only during events, when they’re open to the public and everyone is on their best behavior.

I avoided like a plague, KY, AK, CA, NY, FL, NJ, LA, MI, AL, WV.

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I would say that town is a no go.

More like an adios your loss.

Find a better fit, there has to be better.

I / we found it in Tennessee.

I / we got very lucky as our primary motive was for family reunion.

But, on an otherwise blind shot, that lawn dart :dart: it hit the bullseye on everything else.

We could not have made better choices with a deep dive research project.

It’s a big bingo on everything.

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SD was a bingo for me. I have friends and relatives in neighboring MN and WI.

No way I would ever live in MN nor WI ever again.

Well, to be perfectly honest, some parts of WI are still solid.



Officer Chambers quit. He wasn’t man enough to stick around for the investigation into his crimes.

This is a good thing for Meridians, but bad for someone else. Because this Pig Chambers can just run along down the street and get hired at another sovereign citizen/pig department and pick up doing violence on your children where he left off.

We’ll be keeping an eye on him wherever he surfaces next and make sure his new employer and town knows all about him.

Samson has been charged with resisting and obstruction, which I strongly believe he will beat all charges and proceed to sue the Meridian Police Department, i.e., the dumbass taxpayers who simply pay what they’re told and let their government do whatever they want.


Curious why you avoided those States, especially the Southern ones. Was it a demographics issue? Certain cities in those States?

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Many of them have economic issues, severe weather issues, political issues, total oil dependency, (FL, LA), joblessness (MI, MS, AR), corruption and are likely to collapse first and foremost in hard times. Some are in big trouble already.

AK, for example, doesn’t produce much for itself and most goods people need are shipped in from the Lower 48 and elsewhere, thus driving prices through the roof. And what happens in a nationwide economic hardship or collapse? How will they get their needs met? Disaster.

The only thing I don’t like about the Midwest, where I live, is that it’s land locked. The folks who started the Free State Project, for example, chose NH for its fourteen or so miles of Atlantic shoreline, for trade with other countries via ship, in the event of hardship or collapse. We have no such outlet. The Midwest could become a sort of no man’s land. But we have everything we need here.

Eastern AZ, White Mountain region, etc., Northern AZ, Prescott area, are most excellent bug out locations I have explored and used intensely. But in hardship or collapse, they would have no trucks coming in to supply the towns. Things could get real rough. But they have everything they need to live there, independent of anyone. They do suffer for a lack of water in the region as well, especially with the Californio invasion, drastically increasing the demand.

What a lot of forecasters are seeing in severe economic hardship and collapse and civil unrest for the US is a break up and balkanization, infighting. The US unable to maintain its position in the world nor even on this continent. Collapse of empire. Breakup of the Union. Some states falling to foreign entities, like CA and Western Canada being taken by the Chinese (they practically own it all already anyway), TX breaking off and going independent and/or fighting with Mexico again most likely. The Eastern Seaboard being what is left of the US.

Canada is in a freefall, along with Western Europe. Not much left.

We’re still holding on.


The West is done. The end of empire. We have run our course. Most of the rest of the world is now divorcing itself from us. They are tired of our way of doing things and are breaking off and working with other partners. Even Thailand is joining BRICS.

Our “unbreakable bond” with Israel is costing us dearly and has the potential to cost us everything we have or even get us into a nuclear war and end it all. The Ukraine mess, too.

The userers have usurped the country. We have been duped. We are led to ruin.

But life goes on just the same. It’s not over.

So far, I guessed correctly coming to SD. I thrived here during COVID, while everyone else was sinking. There were no lockdowns here and we moved freely and everyone kept on working.

So far so good.

Steady as she goes.

Another reason I chose the North is because I was born here. I’m a Northerner, tried and true, through and through.


Well Alabama I know for sure, is in good shape financially, much cheaper avg cost of living. Plus gun friendly, we have one of the largest pools of natural gas in the world. One city is on the cutting edge of aerospace and space research. The part of the city of Birmingham that is claimed as one of the most violent is sort of over now. Because of the way greater Birmingham metropolitan is set up, all or the vast majority is about a 24 city block by 48 city block due to a high incidence of public housing all in that small area. Pretty much 8 housing projects. The rest are small boutique suburban cities it’s made up of 9 cities. 4 are very high end 3 are medium and 3 are poorer


SHS did a great job. She’s a conscientious, dedicated individual if there ever was one.

Noem did a great job here in SD, too.


We found out where the notorious Officer Chambers has run off to. He quit Meridian and went on over to the Boise PoPo.

Meridian isn’t quite quite corrupt enough for him.

Plus, he was headed for lots of trouble for what he did here.

Plus, you will learn here another cop gang symbol: the bald head. The bald head is a signal to other cops that he absolutely will not tolerate any resistance or back talk of any kind – or he will immediately resort to violence.

Boise is a bigger town. They will likely welcome Officer Chambers and his violence.

The good news is, these kids are gonna get a bigger payday, courtesy of the tax paying dolts who allow people like Officer Chambers to operate in their town.

Pay up, suckwads!

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