Fact or Fiction: Concealed Carry Increases Crime?

Fact or Fiction: Concealed Carry Increases Crime?

  • Fact
  • Fiction

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Why do you think some people believe more concealed carriers means more crime?


Because this is what they are fed by the anti gun liberals and their willing accomplices in the media.

There is no data anywhere to show that licensed carry increases crime or that even in constitutional states is there any increase in crime due to otherwise law abiding folks carrying.

In fact the opposite has proven true. In every state where carry has become lawful, there has been a corresponding drop in crime over time.

Violent crime in the US is at it’s lowest levels since the sixties and it has fallen by over half nationally since the peak in 1992.

During that same period lawful carry has expanded to include every state in the Union and even DC.


I remember when Florida was considering the permit question back in the 80’s. Print and broadcast media both produced a stream of hysterical reports predicting blood running in the gutters, gunfights over parking spaces, how it wouldn’t be safe to go to the supermarket or let your kids play outside, ets., etc…

None of that happened. It didn’t happen in Florida and it hasn’t happened anyplace else as the CC restrictions have been loosened. Yet all the Chicken Littles keep clucking their dire warnings of death and destruction, despite mountains of independent evidence proving them wrong. Why? Because taking the gun out of your hands is the best way to make you put your life into their hands.

The coward believes he will live forever if he holds back in the battle.


I voted… and was not surprised to see results.
Like @WildRose mentioned, it’s hard to find any data or statistics to find the true answer.
All is about what we think and what we experience at different locations.
I live close to Chicago and this city drives me crazy. There were few situations I had experienced (with my family members involved) which changed my point of view to be a gun owner. Now I own 2 (one for range, one for CC) and I spend lot of time with my sons to teach them gun self defense.

Recently I’ve got a pleasure to spend few days in Texas, few days in Nevada and one day in Arizona. Maybe it was only me, excited to be in different places, but first time in my US life I was walking safely in the middle of the night. Dozen people walking, biking, running, drinking, singing; didn’t matter - 4 pm, 11pm, 2 am… no fights, no screaming, no yelling… no single gun shot… I really felt safe.
And the true was that I kept in my mind that every single person walking next to me could have a gun…

So to answer topic question -> 100% FICTION !


And yet the ANTI-GUN PEOPLE/GROUPS keep refusing to even look at this type of info. They hate guns so much that they don’t understand that law abiding gun owners do stop crime. I hope that I don’t get in trouble for posting this article on my account on “Join the Premier Global Free Speech App | Parler”. Because I do try to give TRUE FACTS ABOUT LAWFUL GUN USAGE WHENEVER POSSIBLE.


Thank you for using that phrasing, @Reloader54! The specificity is much appreciated!


Why do you think some people believe more concealed carriers means more crime?

Every anti-gunner I have ever met has a weird mental image of gun owners being some sort of over-compensating Yosemite Sam just one traffic encounter away from going homicidal. That’s why they’re horrified that we can just “carry a gun around anywhere”.

This video kinda sums it up how we’re viewed.

I think it is probably the single biggest influence that has hurt gun-ownership and whittled away at our 2A rights over the last few decades. They’ve been extremely successful in demonizing gun owners and I don’t readily see a way to undo that.


OMGosh @Harvey that’s brilliant!

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I was noodling this idea in my head this morning on the drive in to work. Every time there is a gun on TV it is always something negative (shooting, suicide, etc) or on cop shows or zombie show. There is no depiction of a “normal” gun owner (probably because its really boring).

Same as why cops are thought of so negatively as well. The only time we hear about them is when there is a police excessive use of force. No one sees the bajillions (real number) of interactions with nice polite helpful police officers.


Responsibly armed Americans are rather “boring” when it comes to their firearms - because there’s no drama. An armed society is a polite society. :slight_smile:

I will give social media kudos on this one - there are occasionally positive stories of police interactions that circulate. But they are only one or two in a bajillion…


Before 9/11, I use to think that way, as I was a data-less robot control by DC politics; until studied the FBI’s database that contradicted my understanding of the who, what, where, and how of crime/murder in America.

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Highly recommended reading:


Also highly recommended reading:


Dawn, this is how I refer to ALL ANTI-GUN PEOPLE/GROUPS. Unless I’m referring to someone or group in particular. Then I use their names.


Media,Hollywood and politics. I’m finding that when exposed to firearms in a proper way, people have a positive view towards firearms.

Most coverage is distorted.


100% agree with you @Stephon.
Welcome to the group!

Welcome to the Community, @Stephon! Education is always so important - no matter what the topic - to really understand something. I agree with you that we need to make sure people are getting the proper exposure to firearms!

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