ENOUGH, Already!

Things listed in the original post by Kurt17. I used the term “bells and whistles” as a catch all phrase.

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I would agree that action locks are idiotic. I know the Smith and Wesson revolver guys are still holding a grudge for them putting the so called Hillary Hole on the revolvers, though for practical purposes it’s never really been a problem. Those, and the magazine lock outs seem like not much more than government regulation to me. On the other hand, grip safeties date back to 1911 (at least) and don’t bother me for a pistol carried in condition 1. I have one and like it. Loaded chamber indicators are fine, in my opinion, as long as they don’t weaken the structure or cause a reliability issue.


Grip safeties…one of the reasons I don’t like 1911’s. Manual safety to. If you don’t like do-dads, dont’ carry a 1911 is a good start.

Loaded chamber indicators seem like a lot of nothing to me. I honestly don’t even know if my guns have them. It doesn’t even matter to me…honestly who cares? If you don’t like it, ignore it and pretend it’s not there and you’re good to go lol

Action-locks…those darn smith and wessons revolver locks? Something like that? Yeah not a fan of those. You can ignore them, but, it’s not unheard of that they lock when they shouldn’t. Rare, but, it’s additional manufacturing expense and another thing that could go wrong.

Magazine disconnects are an interesting topic. They have been around for decades, but only on certain guns. I own zero centerfire guns with them. It’s another thing to go wrong. But, it could be a safety feature. You know people out there have an empty mag well and think the gun is empty, ignorance or just being fallible they make a mistake.

ALSO, a magazine disconnect has saved officers lives when they dropped the mag during a gun grab attempt and the perp got the gun but then couldn’t use it. So, they aren’t all bad. I’m still with ya on not wanting one…fortunately the vast majority of handguns out there don’t have them.

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Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary, happy Anniversary, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Anniversary! Brother!


Sounds like Delilah that used to be on the radio at night!

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My Berettas do not have that. I have a Neo .22, and two PX4s, 9 subcompact, .45 full-frame.

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I like click safeties on CC pistols. Full size service pistols, open carry pistols - not so much, but dont mind them either.

Nothing wrong with slide releases, although I prefer slingshot method.

Loaded chamber indicators - I never used, dont they teach you bad practice in checking pistol condition?


Have you considered a flintlock?


THX for all the comments - I can see that so far, not a few of you are just as fed up with some of these features - I consider most of them overkill - almost paranoia regarding safety. It’s as if gunmakers consider the shooting public as hopelessly stupid as these tinhorn politicians consider the general public as hopelessly stupid. I’ve grown almost bitter over the Springfield XD situation, now that I have enough $$ in my old age to buy what I want. As I’ve posted before - gun-handling skills always override convenience - I sometimes wonder if you can actually load and fire some of the pistols now on the market. Speaking of politicians - will De Santis finally realize he’s another hammerhead going nowhere?

oh Delilah!

That was a blast from the past!
Smokey sultry voice…she could have looked
plain Jane but we thought otherwise!
Thanks for bringing a great memory back Adam


Un-used chamber loaded indicator on my 92A1. I am fairly certain all the 92/96 series have them, but I could be wrong. It has happened before.

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Yes, the 92 does have a loaded chamber indicator. The PX4 series do not, which is what I own.

PDF Page 7:

This ATF agent could have used that feature. :rofl: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DvfONckOPyaI&ved=2ahUKEwiF3NCs38aAAxVPIzQIHSA-AngQwqsBegQIEBAB&usg=AOvVaw3W3wshMfYKVXE0GUTr3_FA

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I think I see where our chats back and forth, yours and mine Dave, have originated. I used the term “The Beretta” - theoretically encompassing ALL Berettas - and making the statement false. I should have clarified with “My Beretta” or “The Beretta 92A1” or “The Beretta 92/96 series.” Something like that.

My apologies for the confusion.

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What you stated was correct, there was no confusion. I am not omniscient, so I only know that mine do not, I had no knowledge of the 92, which you clearly do, as you own it. May last post was just affirming what you stated as you then questioned your statement.

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In short and in conclusion - pistolmakers should concentrate more on the functionality, reliability and
accuracy of their products, and less on maddening additions to “improve” them. Has polygonal rifling proved more accurate in your pistols than the standard rifling in your present product line? USE it - even if you produce a pipsqueak in .380 - and BROADCAST the results and change in your company news and advertising. Regarding pistols like the Springield XD, ELIMINATING annoying features like the POS grip safety and chamber indicator should be dealt with in the same way.

But why the Pen attachment?
What is it’s purpose?
(Can it write someone their RIGHTS befo’ you shoot 'em?)
What is it’s Quest?
“What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
The world is a Truly silly place---- M.Python.
Sorry BruceE, Lost my mind again (5th time this week!)


The pen is a special attachment I had modified to my pew-pew after purchase. The modification only fits the Purple Pilot G2 pen, not a blue one, not a black one…ONLY the PURPLE, but it does accept the .05, .07 and 1.0 calibers. Serious damage can occur if the correct pen is not used.

As far as its purpose, its quest, I can only say if I have to explain, you won’t understand. I know you understand.

Love the Monty Python reference.

“What is your favorite color?”
“Red. No, BLUE!”


Fabulous Brother and fellow Python lover!


Old school loaded chamber indicator.