Drinking and Firearms DO NOT MIX💔

Jerzy is my buddy and he does know he knows ,everything,haw haw, and I , lol so Jerzy stop milking that cow KAZ its a bull Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::chile::us::eyes:

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Jerzy you said you are polish :question: HOW MANY PEOPLE THAT ARE POLISH AND NOT WHITE :question::question::question::eyes:Set the bottle down brother Bobby Jean :owl::feather::feather::chile::v:t5:how many fingers am I holding up :question::question::question::question::question::eyes:

Let’s say I’m green. Hopefully it doesn’t change anything about who I am. :green_heart:


Yes, I drink wine and occasionally other “adult” beverages. I do not drink when carrying. I don’t carry at home, but a firearm is always within reach while at home, even when having a beverage or two.

On a recent trip, where it was legal to carry, we were at a brewpub one afternoon for lunch. There was a large selection of local beers, but that did not matter as I was carrying. My wife apparently did not realize I was carrying as she asked why I didn’t want a beer, and even turned down tasting hers. I just replied that I was not interested and didn’t want anything. I told her later in the car that I was carrying, so I couldn’t, but did not want to say that there. The night prior at dinner at another restaurant was similar, but I just told her I just wanted some wine when we get back to the villa.

When we go out to a brewpub, we do typically have a couple of beers, but those are times I am not carrying. It sucks that one either must have nothing or not carry as I like to have wine or beer with dinner.

Due to my workplace rules, I cannot carry most days, so went we go out, I am already disarmed, though I always have my two little friends with me - my knives, one clipped to the top of each front pants pocket, and a tactical flashlight.


Shaken, not stirred

A 2023-04-17 18-01-49