Desert Eagle Manual of Arms

Just curious, does anyone know the manual of arms for carrying a Desert Eagle? I.e., cocked and locked like a 1911? If not, then what condition?


I would think that would be a personal choice. If you’re carrying it for SD, then it should be loaded, “cocked and locked”. :slightly_smiling_face:


Single action pistol… means cocked and locked but you carry the way you want.
With such caliber many people can be worried about negligent discharge so they may prefer empty chamber…

Watching lot of movies I never seen any actor racking the slide after drawing Desert Eagle… so “conditions 1” must be a standard then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It used to be without one in the chamber unlocked. I think they switched it to condition one.


My wife’s life long anti-gun friend and husband spent a couple days with us recently. Within a hour of arrival the husband was showing a photo he took of his brother-in-law during their recent visit with them. Brother-in-law had a pistol on his hip in an OWB holster at breakfast. It was reported to be a 50 caliber. It looked like a 1911 to me, but am guessing it must of been a Desert Eagle. I could see the hammer was down, which didn’t seem like an appropriate way to carry a 1911, but didn’t know if maybe the DE manual of arms was different.

Based on the feedback here it seems he either had it on for the benefit of his anti-gun audience, or, it was for his stated reason - bear defense. Either way, hammer down didn’t seem right to me.


Unless you are Israeli :upside_down_face:

But seriously… Hammer fired pistols have half-cock notch and this is the proper position to carry 1911 if you don’t feel comfortable with fully cocked and locked.
However… it’s always personal preference… or lack of knowledge…