Democrats say the Red Flag database cannot include gang databases


Sounds right. This is has absolutely nothing to do with stopping gun violence. They want guns from people they are scared of. They could care less about protecting anyone or anything other than their own interests.


It is beyond ridiculous! Gang violence, unlike “gun violence”. Is a real thing. Gangs put out bounties on people and make crime part of their culture. This includes violence with a gun (as opposed to gun violence).


In Virginia, one of the frequent suggestions to help reduce gun violence is to apply stiffer penalties to crimes committed with firearms including mandatory minimums. If you mug someone at an ATM with a firearm you’d get a longer sentence than if you mugged them at knifepoint. The idea is to make it so that criminals dont think its “worth it” to commit certain crimes with a firearm because instead of 1-2 years in jail they’d see 5-10 years (totally made up those penalties for illustrative purposes).

Our current Governor Northam (and I’m pretty sure this is a standing Democratic position) has said that it unfairly penalizes communities of color (link here). I think not including the gang databases would probably fall into that same category and that’s why they don’t want to include it.


And unlike what the media would have you believe is the biggest cause of gun deaths in the 16-21 age group (not school shootings).

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Republicans tried to add an amendment including known gang members, but the Democrats will not permit the inclusion of gang databases. It’s odd since gangs are the ones causing most of the so-called gun violence.

They would agree to include the names of white supremacists, but not other terror groups.

Couldn’t be any clearer who they are targeting for gun-removal. :rage:


The left’s agenda has nothing to do with reducing violence or criminal activity. You simply have to look at what is happening in Chicago, Baltimore or any other major city under the control of the left. The real agenda to fundementally change the change the United States and impose rule by the elite. The second amendment, which was not intended to protect hunters and sportsmen, but to protect the citizenry from a tyrannical government, stands in the way of this agenda.

If red flag laws were really meant to protect a person from himself or to protect others, then all rights should be suspended, not just their second amendment rights. A truly deranged and dangerous person can and will find other methods to kill themselves or others using automobiles, pressure cookers, baseball bats, kitchen knives, etc. A person that is deemed to be a true threat should be committed and institutionalized under a law that also protects the right to due process under the 5th amendment.

In my view the red flag laws are the left’s latest attempt to disarm the population. Sending armed men to take the guns of armed men cannot end well.


So let me put on my conspiracy theory hat for a minute… I think all this is an attempt to bring about lawlessness, chaos, & confusion so that the masses will clamor for a governmental savior, who will lead by stripping the people of all rights & liberties in the name of public safety. Soon, we will become the “GANGS” they will actually want to do something about.
Ok I’m done. :laughing:


… sometimes it’s a solution in search of a problem…
false flag attacks are nothing new, this is just the legislative version.
< keeping my tin foil hat on for now > :wink: