Current state of the world with rising anti-semitism

Have looked at either the Sig P365 platform or S&W Shield Plus? Both are in that same size category as the PPS M2 (my favorite non-1911 single stack) and hold 10 or more rounds. If you already shoot Glock well, try a 43X with or without MOS. 10 round by default, upgraded to 15 with Shield Arms magazines.

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"If an armed individual walks into a restaurant brandishing a firearm and demanding to know, “Who’s Jewish?,”
-Has anything like this happened in the US recently?
"would it be an act of self-defense to draw and fire? "
I think a justifiable use of force case could be made for acting, if someone comes into a restaurant, gun in hand, and behaving aggressively. Though that might not be quite enough to satisfy all elements required for a justified use of force claim. And the elements of a successful claim may vary a bit from state to state. From the University of Minnesota "Four elements are required for self-defense: (1) an unprovoked attack, (2) which threatens imminent injury or death, and (3) an objectively reasonable degree of force, used in response to (4) an objectively reasonable fear of injury or death.
Coming in with a gun in the scenario above doesn’t necessarily represent “an unprovoked attack,” even as means of attack are present, along with a reasonable fear of death and injury. is the presence of a gun in the hand along with a menacing manner qualify as justification.

“Must he point the gun at me to make my shooting an act of self-defense?” That would satisfy more of the elements of justifiable use of force certainly.

“What if he shoots someone else in the restaurant, is that enough for me to take action in fear for my life?”
I don’t think one needs to “fear for one’s own life” to satisfy justified use of force claims in most states. Reasonable fear of death or bodily injury of family or friends or innocent bystanders has been found defensible in the cases. And once the attacker attacks, it seems any ambiguity in their intention is gone.

Masaad has one of the best concise explanations of Justifiable use of force around. Have a watch.


I’m Jewish and WAS a leftist. Never again will I align myself with those people. I am supporting my Jewish community. Thank G-d I learned how they really feel about me and my people. Two weeks ago my temple (Temple Israel) had a bomb threat. Even with armed police at the front door for Friday night services, I still don’t feel safe. I pray with my people while being concealed. I refuse to stand by in the presence of evil.


Hello and welcome @Erik52


Welcome Erik. Was it the recent events with the Left praising savagery and bloodthirst and trying to pass it for something noble, that opened your eyes?
I am just curious. Whatever falsehoods you were able to overcome, I am glad for you.


I’ve been deeply troubled by the negative sentiments toward Israel and Jews that I’ve encountered, particularly among members of the Democratic Party. It’s bewildering to see support for actions or groups that harm Israel and my people. This anti-Semitism, is particularly painful and incomprehensible to me, especially when it infiltrates educational environments.

My perspective is heavily influenced by my mentor when I was 13. He’s a former Israeli army major and paratrooper, now in his 80s and working as a trauma therapist in Florida. His family has a strong military background, with his children serving as Marines. Their dedication to justice and rightness deeply resonates with me, and I align myself with those values as well.


Welcome aboard sir! God bless and protect the Jewish people everywhere.


I am Jew also. I don’t know what that means besides being a descendant of Abraham. I am a human being. What Hamas has done is hard on all of us humans. That is why they call it in humane. To me, the Israeli were caught in condition, white when they should have been in condition, yellow. Now they are in condition, red and fighting for their lives. I don’t want to see that happen here in the United States I think we should all be in on defending our nation and people.
Oh, and welcome aboard. There are a lot of mensches around.


Welcome to our group, brother @Erik52! We’re glad to have you here. Please know, your people are OUR people. We are a group of freedom loving, peace loving, intelligent people who want to raise their kids their way, live a good life free from being told what to do, protect ourselves and those we love, and preserve our American way of life. Having grown up with mostly all Jewish friends, and being so close to a Jewish family that it was like my own, I’m pretty confident that’s the Jewish way as well as the American way. We’re one and the same.


You answered your own question. Yes! If you’re in fear for your life, and that scenario qualifies!


Thanks for your reply Captain Russ. What and where are you flying in your screenshot. Curious minds want to know.


It astounds me that the vast majority of my close family are leftists and support Democrap candidates. I know, from trying to have conversations with them, they don’t even know most of the policies of their beloved candidates (if they have a “D” after their name that’s who they’ll vote for). Trying to have a conversation with a leftist is an exercise in frustration: “I haven’t seen that article,” “I haven’t read anything about that issue,” “I’ll read what you sent me later” (they never do and certainly don’t respond.) Brothers, daughter, too many cousins to count - very sad. And congratulations on making the transition from the evil that is leftism. I whole my conversion to my wife, a mid-westerner raised right, unlike me, a Jew from Brooklyn who hated all things Republican. Now, of course, the uni-party is problematic for the U.S. and I consider myself a conservative who votes Republican.


:grin: I was probably flying on a contract in South Korea so I could be flying anywhere from/to Europe, USA or Asia!


Safe travels, always.


Thanks my friend


And now Bitem is gonna dump all over our best and probably only friends we have over there trying to tell Netanyahu to chill out. Well he will chill out when Hammas stops firing off rockets and stuff at them 24/7/365-decade after decade after decade killing Israelis indiscriminately. Israel is sick and tired of it and I don’t blame them, how can anyone?


My prayers is for Israeli leadership to remain firm, and do what THEY believe Israel needs, and not sell off, whatever they are offered, nor be intimidated by the shameful bullies.


Sadly, this is just another skirmish in the 2000+ year old feud. Israel will never know peace in that region.


More like a 1400 year old feud. Islame didn’t come about until the early to mid 630AD. They have been at war ever since with whoever is closest to them.


What’s a half a millenia among friends? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: