Current state of the world with rising anti-semitism

I believe there are allot of us that can’t get our heads around our current situation.


LOVE THAT! I no longer carry a gun, I no longer carry a firearm, I now carry a protection device! As a matter of fact I carry a concealed protection device. They want to play word games?

Triple word score = 78
P R O T E C T I O N. D E V I C E .

Consider this, if they kept using their “protection device” we wouldn’t have to use ours :exclamation:

The original protection device!



A jury of Hamas sympathizers would say that the person asking for Jews was just protesting and he has a right to protest. :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :confused: :angry:


CA anti self defense law are constantly being added to the books. I still haven’t had time to dig into the 23 new anti self defense laws passed back in September. Fortunately my current work is in my home state of AZ so I’ve been able to avoid having to cross over into the CA combat zone. It feels like you need to walk the streets with a lawyer there assessing your every action just to stay out of jail if you are a law abiding citizen. Criminals however can commit armed robbery and be back on the streets the same day in some cases!

Last I checked though it’s still legal to defend yourself and others in CA from an imminent threat of death and severe bodily harm. But with all the anti self defense laws you may not be allowed to legally posses a defensive tool in many of the places you are likely to need them. Plus you have to deal with all the anti self defense prosecutors and potential jurors who may choose to charge and send you to jail even if you haven’t broken any laws.

None of that would deter me from defending myself and my family if we were faced with an imminent threat. But with all the anti self defense sentiment out there I likely would lean heavily towards getting myself and my family out of the situation as apposed to getting thrown into the legal grinder for acting to defend strangers. Unless those strangers include kids. Kids don’t deserve to have to pay the price for all the stupid anti self defense laws their parents keep supporting. So with kids involved, once I secured my family’s safety, I would likely try to act if I felt I had a semi reasonable chance to succeed.

Though in CA as an out of State resident my 2A rights are permanently denied so you all are on your own there unless the attacker is standing right next to me.


Agreed. My Glock 30S would be patiently waiting on me resting comfortably in my lap under the table.


I have friends in CA and they assure me that they carry regardless of what crap comes out of Sacramento. They all say the protection of their families and themselves trump any fear of prosecution by woke, liberal prosecutors and judges.


True dat


Not taking any chances, trust me if a guy has a gun and he’s looking for an entire race of humanity then he doesn’t have a problem pulling the trigger on anyone no matter what he most likely knows he want be leaving alive and his main objective is to take everyone he can straight down to hell with him.


@LandonBolts Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you here. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you glad to hear from others concerned about the same things as I am. God knows my wife’s tired of hearing it.


:rofl: That seems to be a reoccurring theme here. Thats OK we love em…


My G19 Protection Device is nice but I do need a smaller protection device, does anyone know if the PSA compact dagger PD (protection device) is worth purchasing? They have a great deal with like ten extra mags that come with it but was wondering if that was just a gimmick because the PD isn’t up to par.

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Isn’t the F19 a compact? :thinking:


Compact, quick and light, I agree and for a limited time 41% off, so I hear!

F-19 Stealth Fighter,


Can’t wait to pick mine up


It’s very hard to protect your family if you get stuck in a jail cell for “illegally” carrying a firearm and/or after losing your right to own firearms in your own home. The odds of getting into an accident or having a medical event, etc. witch leads to LEOs finding out you are carrying “illegally” are significantly higher than actually needing to use a firearm for self defense so it is not a risk I would take so cavalierly.

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In my opinion, yes!

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Here’s the current state of antisemitism in Germany.


No offense, Carl… but you need a bit more training. Shoot him before he shoots anyone, weather he raises the gun to point or not… by that time it’s too late for the first few dead. Very easily explainable to LEO. You likely would not even see the county jail for the night.

Jerzy, is 100% correct!


That’s why Jerzy proudly advertise this badge :point_down:

Screenshot from 2023-11-06 11-30-36
