Got to take the RM1C to the range for the first time yesterday. I liked it! It’s a little different from my XD-9, but overall I enjoyed it. Here are my thoughts.
It’s fairly lightweight, even with a fully loaded extended mag. This is great for carrying, but when you shoot it, it has a bit of a snap to it. Not bad, definitely not uncontrollable, just noticeable.
Accuracy seems to be pretty good, although admittedly it took me a while to not anticipate the recoil, which threw my shots off. All still on a small target at 10 yards, but not my best grouping. However, by the end I was getting better. Just need to get more used to it.
I like how crisp the trigger is. Not a super high end trigger, but certainly better than anything else I’ve handled in that price range.
The biggest pro is the mag release. Oh, it’s heavenly! That’s the easiest mag release I’ve ever tried. Works perfectly with one finger and makes reloading quick and smooth. For the gun enthusiast, you haven’t lived until you’ve tried this. Seriously!
I did have about half a dozen type 3 malfunctions. That was a little concerning, but I think it may have been due to two things. First, I didn’t clean it when I got it, and it wouldn’t surprise me if there was excessive oil in the gun. Second, I realized that the way I was gripping it with my secondary hand was bumping the slide, which may have stopped it from cycling properly. Once I realized that, I corrected my grip and didn’t have any more issues. By that point I had put 125 rounds through it, so I assume if there was excessive oil it had been worked out by then. The last 75 rounds went by without a problem.
I realized that the red pop-out dot on the back is an action indicator, not a chamber indicator. I was under the impression that it was the other way around, but that’s on me. Not a negative by any means.
I don’t understand the thing about this being a compact size. It’s basically the same size as my XD-9 4” barrel is, which is supposedly a full-size frame. Other than the handle being a little shorter, it’s almost the same frame. That’s not a bad thing, it’s still easily concealable and doesn’t weigh much.
And on that note, it pretty easily fits into any of my holsters for the XD-9. If you can’t find a particular holster for the RM1C, check to see if they have it in the size for an XD-9 4” barrel. It will fit the RM1C perfectly.
Would I buy it again? Definitely! Would I recommend it to a friend? If that friend had big enough hands to manage the recoil. It wouldn’t be my first choice for someone with weaker hands and grip. But for most people, I think they’d enjoy it with a little practice.