Current Discount: Rost Martin RM1C

I got the email for 25% off the Rost Martin RM1C yesterday (thanks USCCA!). It looks like a good deal.

My question is, does anyone have experience with this gun? How is it? 4” barrel is really attractive for a compact. My biggest thing is I’ve never cared for any of the compacts I try. With the extended magazine, it will hopefully fit my (slightly biggest than average male) hands.



@BenTheRifleGuy Got the email, also! Great looking piece, and price. My mind is all over the place, not looking to buy anything, BUT :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: WHY NOT! :thinking: no, I better not, :smirk: WELL why SHOULDN’T I :blush:, :thinking: no, I better just walk away, :smiley: Wait…BUT I LIKE IT!!! :blush: :hugs: wait,wait, wait a minute :flushed: :thinking: :neutral_face: I’ll just keep it in mind, :point_up: WAIT… ah for get it… :neutral_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I stoped by two gun stores today and yesterday. Neither had the Rost Martin, but I was able to handle several guns that had very similar specs. It was enough to convince me that it would work in my hands. I’ve ordered one. Hopefully it will be here within a few weeks. I’ll report back then when I know for sure how I like it. :saluting_face:

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I got the RM1C yesterday. It’s a snazzy little gun for sure. Comparing it to my Springfield XD-9 (4” barrel), the grip is a little shorter, which means that for my hands, I’ll have to use the extended mag — which I’m not complaining about at all. 17 rounds in a gun that size is great. It seems to fit perfectly in the other holsters I have for the XD-9, except for the Sneaky Pete holster (it fits but the trigger is too exposed).

Dry practicing with it, I really like it so far. Sadly, it will probably be a few weeks before I’m able to take it to the range. Will report back then.


Shot mine today, really fun. I reported this elsewhere; shot AAC 124gr. Good accuracy, good balance in my hand, but I need to change the backstrap. I, too, needed to use the extended magazine. I like it!
Time to add a red dot!