College Campus carry - good or bad?

What the heck, I’ll say it. What if I told you that unless a place has metal detectors installed that you can in fact concealed carry there?

Yes, I do think college students should have the ability to carry whether it be a state or non-state college/university. Again the state I live in does allow carry on campuses.

That’s right, but in some states it’s a felony to carry on school grounds. If somebody accidentally sees it, and calls the police… you’re going to have a bad time. Like, youre about to be the #5 most searched keyword on Google bad time.


A few years back a young man got arrested for attending his sister’s college graduation at Boston University (?), which was held outdoors, while carrying.

Somehow these incidents involving people with permits always overshadow the shootings and other crimes committed by people illegally in possession of a firearm.


That’s what I made a point to tell them. If you allow someone to carry a gun but not a fixed blade knife that’s over some stupid crazy small number is not OK. Especially when everyone knows that a self defense knife is like 3.5 inches and not 3.

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I actually once was carrying and had to go to a school for work to help repair some plumbing stuff. They had a notice that said guns weren’t allowed on the premises when AL gun laws don’t say anything about prohibited carry on a school by a non student or faculty member

Yep, but some states like mine, it’s a no go.

A few years ago my daughter was graduating high school, they held the ceremony at a local community college. I wasn’t carrying but I refused a pat down, I told the guy he wasn’t going to lay hands on me and violate my rights as they weren’t patting everyone down. I was in a suit and said you can use a wand but your not touching me. He said they didn’t have or use wands. A supervisor then let me go through after going round and round about the liability they were about to assume.

The little monkey then tried to run up on me from behind as he couldn’t let it go and I called the sheriffs on him. It was quite funny when untrained unarmed security acts as the first line of defense, their job is to observe and report that’s about it.

So fast forward to last year my daughter in law to be graduated from the same community college and zero screening was occurring, no traffic control everyone was entering from every direction.

So my point is rolling the dice in a gun free zone could be costly.

I carried in campus, but it is hit or miss right now. But gaining ground.

I feel that if the students are not otherwise legally obligated NOT to carry (i.e. convicted felon), and they satisfy whatever state laws would allow them to carry a handgun in a public place, then campus carry should be permitted. In Maine, the state defers to individual campus policies regarding carry. I’ll give you one guess as to what those policies are though.


The only state that I’m aware of that offers this is Arkansas, please inform me on other states. However, in relation to the topic, “Yes it’s a wonderful thing for a responsible law-abiding citizen or student in that case.”

Arkansas being a Constitutional Carry state would make it impossible for one to know are be aware I’m carrying. Now for the student(Who obviously needs to be schooled) that goes around telling everyone are showing off the firearm… itcould end bad and possibly even in death if not careful.

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CA is death on campus carry. Only active duty cops and honorably retired cops and armed security hired by the school can be armed. I drop my grandkids off at a middle school every school day. I am armed. Heavy duty felony if you are caught and not in one of the exempt classes.

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In Missouri, (also a constitutional carry state) it’s up to the school board. They decide if carry on campus is allowed or not, and if allowed, what the rules are. School parking lots are always allowed if the firearm stays in your car (either carried or stored) regardless of the school board’s decision.



The law of being able to store in vehicle no matter the business or school rule is applied here in Louisiana as well. A vehicle is an asset to a home and as dumb as this statement sounds because Louisiana is a shall issue permit state, but any protection the second amendment allows is given here in Louisiana. (EXCEPT constitutional carry, dumb right) However, no guns at parades or bars, but of course you can have it in your vehicle. (Not condoning drinking and accessing a firearm)

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